Little Morning Sunshine (blog)
Get To The Healing.....
Synchronicity is a powerful and magnetic simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly as meaningful coincidences, they may occur with no causal relationship yet they seem to be compellingly meaningful in their relation. These strong and very influential occurrences happen constantly in our everyday lives, the sole purpose of a synchronistic occasion is to bring us a message. A significant and profound piece of information is communicated to us in an incredibly unique and undeniable way, synchronicity is meant to ignite our 6th sense, which perhaps is a part of us that has been asleep for many a year. Our sixth sense is an extrasensory perception beyond our five commonly recognized senses -hearing, taste, sight, smell and touch. Our subtle perception (6th sense) is our ability to perceive a dimension that is unseen. Our capacity to recognize the mystic realms with our intuition, this is our extreme gift and how we are able to connect to our spiritual experiences. There will be times when a synchronistic event will be so overwhelming and overpowering, your physical vessel may react with an acute intense response. You may have feelings of anxiousness, dizziness or an emotional breakdown, in this case it would be impossible to deny the information that the Universe is granting you. Although the information that you intuitively receive may not be what you want to believe or acknowledge, the synchronicity may be provoking you to make a massive change in your life, and as we all know change is not a welcome commodity for us humans. Any event that is instigated by the universe that rocks your foundation is not meant to frighten you, it is simply to give you answers to the questions that you have been asking in your mind. Synchronicity is a response given as a gift from your Spirit Guides to answer a calling, as you may have been longing for the truth about something or someone or a very long time. Guidance from a power far greater than anything we could ever trust in our external world, is a precious intention with one purpose only, to ignite the fire within us so we may travel on our spiritual path with ease and grace. If you are open to finding the answers to a question that lies deep within your Soul, then synchronicity will show itself to you, don’t discount any occurrence that catches your attention and leaves you with a ‘feeling’ inside of your belly, your 6th sense wouldn’t lie to you, trust the information and see where it takes you.
May You Find Truth
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) I Took A Left Turn When I Should Have Gone Right!......
Many a day I’ve wondered what my life would be like if I was able to go back and make some changes. Someday maybe there will be time travel machines to take us back to circumstances when we made some really significant commitments that changed our lives in a big way. It’s not that I regret anything I have done or where I have been challenged in my life this far, it’s just easier to see where I took all those wrong turns the Spiritual books write about, how many times I went left instead of going right kind of thing. That’s life I suppose, a series of left turns to assist us in our evolution. I’ve taken some really good right turns as well, decisions that turned everything around for the better, although those resolutions were the hardest to make for some reason. All of the left turns I’ve made seem impulsive to me now I know better. But that’s the key, everything we experience which teaches us a difficult lesson, in the end, is meant to help us ‘know better’ for the next time we might be faced with the same scenario. If the same mis-take is made more than once or even twice rest be assured the Universe will intervene to get your attention, with the hopes you become more conscious of what it is you keep doing that is not in your best interest. It is so easy to see the mis-take years later, maybe a few of you have said, ‘I wish I had known years ago, I wouldn’t have wasted so much time’!
I suppose it’s one way of looking at things, but If I were you I wouldn’t waste any more time wishing about what you can’t change, you really would be wasting time if you are. Your life has been a great adventure this far, so many amazing stories to tell, lots of crazy bazaar narratives as well I’m sure. There is a book to write in each of us, memories and a biography of a day in the life of….Regardless of your ups and downs, your sorrows and your heartaches, your good days and your bad days, life is certainly for us to be living and we must live it well. Get out your Bucket List today and have a good look at what you wrote and promised your Self, is there stuff you haven’t yet done? Make plans to do something by the end of this year, yes go out on a limb and take a step closer to accomplishing something meaningful to YOU. Life is for living after all, wouldn’t you agree?
Much love and devotion