Annanda Healing Place in Tiny
On March 26 at 7:12 PM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) E-Motion, Get Moving.... visit my website to read my blog,, happy reading and have a beautiful day. Annanda

Annanda Healing Place in Tiny
On March 26 at 9:13 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) I Declare Annanda Day!... visit my website to read my blogs., happy reading and have a beautiful day. Annanda

Annanda Healing Place in Tiny
On March 23 at 9:44 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) What Does Contentment Sound Like?.... If you found yourself in a complete state of equanimity and serenity would you be conscious enough to be aware of this peaceful condition in you? I believe as humans contentment (whatever it means to you) is a disposition we have a true craving for. Temporary contentment is easy to find, it might come all wrapped up in a vacation, or a new car, new coat or pair of shoes, material items most often within a short period of time leave us wanting more despite our best efforts. Contentment which is achieved by the internal examination is everlasting. To master the art of peacefulness one must work through a serious process of deeply emotional, mental and spiritual psychoanalysis. No one will be able to provide you with any shortcuts, there is no fast track or express lane when it comes to the demanding and strenuous effort that is needed to disempower the Ego. A lifetime of beliefs and years of particular behaviours will have to become the focus of your Soul work, don’t look for any manual or instruction guide for the answers to get you to the finish line, there are none. You are however equipped with a toolbox, everything you need to achieve success in your quest for peace is inside of you, polished and pure your intuition has been waiting for this time in your life. Contentment is most definitely worth the toil, exertion and drudgery that will be required of you, nothing good comes easy this is true, but it is work that you can do without a doubt. What does inner peace sound like, this is an easy question to answer, ‘nothing’, it sounds like no single thing? No more noise inside of your head, no more sighs of frustration, no undertones of sadness, unhappiness, or anything unpleasant. Contentment is pure uncontaminated, refined, unpolluted, untainted easiness. When you are at peace you become angelic in a state of spiritual bliss, nothing hurts, there is no pain, no discomfort or animosity. Contentment has no sound, smell or noise, but what you hear is worth more than anything you could ever imagine, to be able to hear the clean and honest voice of your Soul with no anger, resentment, prejudice, malice or bitterness is priceless. Much love and devotion Annanda

Annanda Healing Place in Tiny
On March 21 at 10:02 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) The Anger In Our Throat..... So much of what we want to say, we don’t. A million words that are meant to be spoken in the course of our lifetime, never get told. We hold back the truth, we muffle what we truly feel and we close our throat when we shouldn't and then we wonder why the back of our throat is sore, we get ear aches, consistent colds and coughs, runny noses, problems with our teeth and jaw. Our throat is the seat of our willpower, it is the gift that allows us to stand up for ourselves and not be taken advantage of, it represents our self-expression. Our voice is our capacity to make decisions, and progress from the perception that everyone and everything around us has authority over us, to become aware and confident that we ourselves have the only authority over our Self. We hold so much fear in our throat, fear that makes us believe we have no power of choice within our own lives, whether it be personally or professionally. It is within our strength to have faith in the choices that we make, and that our actions are aligned with our Souls growth. It is important to trust our own instincts and not make choices out of fear, but instead allow and use our natural intuitive nature to be our guide. The very essence of the fifth chakra is faith. Having faith in someone, an idea or having faith in a fear commits a part of our energy to that expression of faith. Therefore, the spiritual test for all of us is the challenge to discover what motivates us to make the choices we do and whether we have faith in our fears or in the Divine. Who is in charge of my life? Why aren’t things working out the way I want? Perhaps we are meant to wonder if some other ‘force’ is acting in our lives! Gaining an awareness of our own limitations opens us to considering choices we would not otherwise have made. When our lives seem the most out of control, we must listen and trust the whispers from our Soul even more. Our life may move in a direction that we had never anticipated if so we must be open to faith and not live solely by our fears. Maybe we have to surrender to a power greater than ourselves, and not be afraid to leave our heart open for guidance. If we put all of our energies into someone or something and no matter what we do it isn’t working out, maybe it is time to have faith in the question ‘why’. Why am I investing all of myself into this person, place or thing, and I am not succeeding with the result of happiness, peace, contentment and most of all fulfilment that I truly desire? Perhaps the time has come to redefine what choices you have made and how you can change the course of your life now with what you have learned already about the Universe and its internal powers. Keep your physical being healthy, your throat, teeth, gums, thyroid, ears and neck rely on your ability to have the courage to speak from your heart, expressing our truth is not always easy, but my advice is, ‘do it for your Self, your Soul and your health’. Much love to you Annanda

Annanda Healing Place in Tiny
On March 19 at 5:28 PM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) When Spirits Come To Speak..... You don’t have to be a believer of the after-life, reincarnation or the land of Spirit, but you can’t deny these such topics have caught your attention at least once in your life. Even the simplicity of seeing number sequences far too often can’t be just something more than circumstance. Repeatedly seeing 2:22, or 5:55 on the clock is actually much more than wanting to know what time of day it is. For example 2:22 has a profound meaning in regards to taking a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life. The message means to keep the faith and stand strong in your personal truths. Do not put your energies into negativity and be aware that all is being worked out by a spirit for the highest good of all involved. 2:22 is a message of faith and trust from your angels. Remember that nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason. 5:55 is a message it is time to let go of what is old and is no longer positively serving you, trust it will be replaced with ‘better’, also release old doubts, fears and perceived obstacles, and if you are feeling any fears or confusion, ask for support and guidance from the very angels that are sending you the messages. 5:55 suggests that major life changes are taking place in many areas of your life. Trust that these changes are for both your immediate and long-term benefit, go with the flow… I have found that number sequences happen in intervals, I will see them constantly for a period of time, for me personally it is usually around the full and new moons. After several days of repeatedly witnessing these divine messages, they will disappear from my spiritual radar for a little while, before they return again. The key is to recognize what is happening in your life, what is going through your mind, and what is on your spiritual sonar and direction finding radar at the time when the spirits come to speak to you, by way of numbers. What are you thinking about, what areas of your life need adjustments, where are you holding yourself back from growing and expanding, and what old fears and ancestral conditioning do you need to dissolve and let go? If you are seeing number patterns then you can be sure that your Spirit Guides and loved ones passed over are assisting in these times of your life and evolution is required from you, for the good of your Soul. Much love and devotion Annanda

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