Annanda Healing Place in Tiny
On April 12 at 9:21 AM
Check out my Youtube Channel. Annanda

Annanda Healing Place in Tiny
On April 11 at 4:27 PM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog) Patience, It Doesn’t Have To Be a Dirty Word..... We humans either cringe when we hear the word patience or we rejoice with ease, neither is right or wrong I dare say but what I do know is the road to compromise when it comes to equanimity isn’t always unchallenging. If you have any fire elements in your birth chart, and most of us do then you know how difficult it has been to come to terms with the concept ‘life needs patience’ whether our Astrology energy allows us to be interchangeable or not. I’m sure like me when you were a child and your parents used the P word you stomped your feet like an Irish tap dancer perfecting the ‘Riverdance’. I never understood back when I was growing up how offering up advice that didn’t make any resemblance to my over-enthusiastic nature made any sense at all, it only created more frustration which was completely counteractive. But again like me, I’m sure you have come to appreciate over time the encouraging counsel your elders recommended, even so, it has been a journey and a lifetime of lessons to finally settle enough to respect what patience has to offer up now. The turning point on my journey this past several years I believe was when I made a monumental decision that I completely and utterly felt was correct inside and out, only to realize I was totally off the mark. I tried all the tricks to make my wish come true but to no avail. Of course months later I totally understood why my decision never came to fruition, it was one of the biggest ah-ha moments I had ever witnessed in myself, and from that day forward I have lovingly bonded with patience. Even as a fiery Aires through and through I find it easy now to calm my energies and my mind well enough to pull out all the stops when I know I need to. A good long walk or a relaxing Yoga class helps to release the natural born energetic eagerness that arises when a new idea comes from the Soul of the Ram in me. Patience is the Universes favourite word, so instead of beating your head against a brick wall find peace within yourself knowing there is a magical energy you can rely on as your best and greatest friend who knows exactly what you need when you need it. Much love and devotion Annanda

Annanda Healing Place in Tiny
On March 30 at 9:28 AM
Hello and Shanti Today's blog will be my last post until I return from New Zealand. For Daily Inspirations visit my website, my blog posts for the past 3 years are archived there (go to 'Services' the blog's categories are on the right). Stay tuned for new blogs coming soon. Satya, May You Find truth Annanda Waking Up To The NOW! Remember when you were back in Public School, the early grades when everything seemed like such a challenge, there was always a wonder if you would remember it all and pass your tests so to advance to the next grade. How about those times tables? What a difficulty they proved to be, memory work was always the hardest, at least for me. And then, of course, do you remember back in those days when all of a sudden something in your school work became crystal clear, and you couldn’t wait to shout out loud with your arms in the air, ‘I finally get it’? Experiences like those were so awesome, there was a sense of pride and accomplishment which made you feel 10 feet tall. Have you had any of those kinds of euphoric moments since? Very often interesting times on our Spiritual path can emotionally resemble way back when and you feel 10 feet tall again. It isn’t unusual to all of a sudden have a spontaneous realization or an unanticipated awakening that catapults you into some kind of higher vibration, especially when you have been diving deep into the Spiritual realms. These kinds of energies can launch you into a place within your Self that is unfamiliar, which brings about a feeling of uneasiness, or even anxiety. There is no reason for alarm, something astounding is taking place, a magnificent new way of thinking, living and experiencing life is evolving out of the chrysalis you have been encased in for a great many years. Your new awakened state of consciousness has to some degree disempowered your Ego and opened up your intuition to an elevated knowledge of existence. Now, is all that matters, not yesterday or tomorrow only now at this moment, because you are moving away from a responsiveness to your past and your future. This is a time once again to throw your arms up in the air and say, ‘I finally get it’! A much more efficient, healthy, simple and peaceful way of understanding and living life is yours, now, congratulations! Much love and devotion Annanda

Annanda Healing Place in Tiny
On March 28 at 4:55 PM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) Theatrics Or Soul? Visit my website to read my daily blogs, short stories about how to manage 'life' in a happy and healthy way. Much love Annanda

Annanda Healing Place in Tiny
On March 28 at 9:55 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog) Full Moon Dream Time, visit my website to read my blogs. Have a beautiful day Annanda

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