Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 07
at 9:38 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog) Optimistic Aspiration It is not for me to judge another human beings life path, nor is it for me to enforce my will on anyone who is journeying in this life experience, everyone must trek their path in their own way, let this be your Mantra. It is only for us to hope that we can individually embrace the life force energy of courage and expansion. To hold faith in our heart that we are worthy of all the goodness that this world has to offer us, let this be your truth. To know without a doubt that we are completely able to love who we are, where we are in this moment, let this be your guide. To accept that we may faultier on our journey, two steps forward, one step back, after all we are human, let this be your faith. Be considerate with yourself – and with your higher consciousness come to understand that nothing is ever a mistake. Let every experience create a new space for you to grow from. Allow yourself to mourn the place of where you were, let your past represent your lessons. This will open your Soul and give you permission to move to the new place of where you need to be. Nothing need be a struggle, only our Ego knows pain. Our Soul always has our best intention at the core of what we need to learn. Smile through the frown of burdens that life brings to you for we are here because we chose to come. Therefore it is our responsibility to bring to our life what we so desire. Placing blame brings nothing but drama to our outer existence, from this place we can never thrive to become all that we are meant to be. Move away from the people, places and the things that tear away at your positive energy. A negative of anything is completely contrary and opposing, it is no wonder it makes us feel defeated at times. Leave behind those that refuse and reject you as you begin to climb, your mountain has no place for people who recklessly want to pull you back. Stand in your ‘Truth’, believe in yourself, don’t ever give up, because you are worthy of peace. Let the shedding of your tears be the expression of beliefs that no longer validate who you are any longer. Dust off your hiking boots and get back on the path towards your mountain. You are a warrior in every aspect of the word. Much love to you Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 06
at 9:33 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) Spending Money I bet you are really good at spending your hard earned money on other people, buying for the kids, grandkids, and anyone else that might say they need something. It makes you feel good when you are giving and I can’t argue with that, it is a good feeling, I know it well. It might be impulsive, the way you give your money away, you don’t think twice, people might not even have to ask, you are always in the front line offering up any amount that suits the situation. ‘Write a cheque, give them cash, send a bank transfer or better still, just give them your visa card’, your Ego offers up for any occasion. When the money is spent and the gift-giving adrenaline settles down, what are you left with? Maybe it’s just that really good feeling of doing something from your heart, but maybe there is a slight contradiction to that feeling too. When we do something impulsively, without thinking, it usually boils down to an old pattern we have been practicing for a very long time. And so it is good to stop and analyze why we keep on keeping on with something that we do all too often, so we can begin to understand why we do it. Money is a big impulse because it holds so much power over us, we are taught from a very young age how important money is to a humans existence. We either grow up hoarding it or giving it all away. Either scenario almost always a lack of money is spent on our Selves unless it involves our ‘lifestyle’. Very little money we spend is for the benefit of our Spirit. Why do we so often make the choice to deny our Soul a little monetary investment? How are we going to ever stop with our instinctive habitual patterns, the ones that keep us tied up in negative mumbo jumbo if we don’t spend a little on our Selves once in a while? Next time you decide to buy your Self a new something of anything, or next time you get your chequebook out to write a cheque with someone else’s name on it, think about why you are investing your hard earned money in either of these two occasions! Perhaps instead spend a little money on something that you wouldn’t particularly choose to spend money on - your emotional Self! It is likely the best investment you will ever make. There is so much to gain, mountains full of wisdom to be shared to help us humans understand why we are here on this earth, to begin with. Are you curious enough to want to learn some of that wisdom from someone? Next time you sign a cheque, make it out to your Self and invest in your Spirit. Much love Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 06
at 9:33 AM
Visit my website to read what Annanda Healing Place is all about. My blogs are archived there as well.

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 05
at 9:27 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) I Am Heaven, I Am Earth It’s wonderful isn’t it, that we as humans belong to the heavens as much as we do the earth! Heaven is a place we believe we transition to when we die. If we live a life with integrity there is no doubt that heaven will be waiting for us when the time comes, with open arms. This belief seems to take the edge off of what we humans fear the most, death. We regard heaven as a place of peace, no more suffering, no more struggles and no more worries. Heaven is the place where we are reunited with those who have passed before us, the ones we miss so terribly. But there is an irony in our beliefs. Very few humans are conscious enough to understand that heaven isn’t just for when we die, heaven is for the living as well. If I told you-you could have peace without suffering, without worries or peace without the burden of your hungry ego while you were living, would you believe me? Earth is where we live, earth represents our human life, where we feel rooted and grounded and all things external. Earth is what we own, what we do for a living, our friends and family, we what desire and our plans for the future. Heaven, on the other hand, is the opposite of all what earth represents to us. As much as earth is necessary for our human existence, so is heaven when we die, but the irony is we can enjoy heaven while we are still alive. Where lies the golden key that opens the door to assist us in a more peaceful existence, while we are here struggling to survive an earthly life? The answer is quite simple, there are no snowy mountains to climb, no dangerous jungles to trek, quite the contrary because what will provide you with the golden key is nesting right inside of you. An opportunity to become more consciously aware, is to begin to understand what it is that keeps you locked in and unaware, completely unconscious of the world within you, it is your ego that holds the magic key and it just won’t let it go. Your ego isn’t going to give you your golden key, not freely that is. You will have to work hard to convince your mind that you deserve peace, and you will if that is what you truly want. Heaven is a stone's throw away, the more conscious you become, the more you can see it, feel it, touch it and live it. Much love Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 04
at 9:12 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog)Manipulation Sometimes we find ourselves wrapped around someone’s little finger and caught up in their drama. What is manipulation, and how do we cut the emotional cords that attach us to the unhealthy stuff in our lives? The solution is not a difficult one, but the work involved is demanding and exhausting. The first step to making any kind of change in our lives, is recognizing the need to take better care of ourselves. Making a commitment to your Self, pledging to honour that dedication will take courage, stamina and faith. For most of us making a promise to someone else is so much easier than it is to follow through on a promise to ourselves. When is it time for you to get serious? If there are people, circumstances or events in your life that are distorting the truth of who you are, then this is considered manipulation. When you are being misled, exploited or influenced in a way that doesn’t feel good to you, then something or someone in your life is using manipulation to steer you away from seeing the verity of things. Another way to understand manipulation is to rely on your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right, then it very likely is not. If you are getting a negative gut feeling, your intuitive nature is telling you not to accept the situation at hand as true. Our Soul works in accordance with truthfulness, sincerity and honesty. This is why we get those gut feelings in the first place. They are little messages and whispers from our Inner Being to help steer us back to our path again if we have ventured off in the wrong direction. Listening to our intuition doesn’t have to be burdensome—what gives us the most difficulty is dealing with the truth. Recognizing anywhere in our life that the truth has been hidden is scary. It is frightening because that recognition would mean that change is necessary. As human beings we are petrified of anything that we have to change. What is important to remember is this: If we keep getting those negative intuitive feelings, then ultimately something has to give. Changing things in our lives is necessary if we want to move forward with the evolution of our Soul. The very purpose for which we are here on this earth is to learn, grow and expand our consciousness. Manipulation is often a means by which to keep you right where you are, and it is always because that person or situation is fearful of the very same thing you are: change. Be your own hero. If there is something in your life that you need to alter, adjust, modify or revise, then get to it. Be the leader, and if others are meant to follow, they will, or they won’t. If you feel like you have swayed a little to far to the left, then make some changes to get you back on the “right” road to “joy rising”. Much love, Annanda

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