Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 14
at 9:33 AM
visit my website to see what I do :) come for a visit to Annanda, a place of peace and hope. Ann x

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 13
at 9:21 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blogI I See The Light, The Light Sees Me The light I see is a natural part of me. Maybe I was born with the light in me. And if I was, then everything I have experienced has allowed me to see now what I hadn’t seen before this day, that wonderful light in me. What illuminates behind my eyes is a vision, a dream that stimulates all of my senses. I marvel in the wonder of an enlightened world. I envision a peaceful and harmonious Earth with enough love and respect to join together as one country and one society. May the light unite all of human life and may we find serenity and tranquility as one. Perhaps one day we may bond as a whole and join our loving hands to form a heart around the world. The light I see in front of me illuminates an Earth ready to discover freedom from disturbance, calm from war and violence, and each and everyone of us ready and willing to sign a treaty, agreeing to work on one single thing: peace. There is a distance between the light I see behind my eyes and the light I see in the distance. I keep reaching for the light. I keep extending my arms, but they don’t seem to reach. Is it the fear in me that stunts the growth of the extension of my arms? Is it fear that holds me back from participating in my own vision? The natural part of the light in me is restless; there is an energy that feels restricted and fidgety, and I am unable to relax. There is another dream I yearn to see. The constant ambition of my Soul sends thoughts, images and sensations to the light behind my eyes, but the fear in my arms hold me back. I recognize the fear and I realize it is the same fear that holds back so many of us on this Earth, the same fright that keeps us from what we dream of most: peace. If not peace for the world, then at least peace for ourselves. I won’t give up on the light I see in me. I will work on the extension of my arms because once you dream a dream it never goes away, not if the Soul has anything to do with it. No dream is ever too big, not if it is infused with ambition, aspiration and hope, and most of all with love. Namaste??, Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 12
at 9:43 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) Synchronicity Provides Answers.... Our scientific worldview is built on the concept of cause and effect. As a culture we often doubt anything we cannot verify. When events happen in startling ways, we hear ourselves saying that “it is just a coincidence.” The notion that everything has an explanation is so programmed into our Western mentality. If it wasn’t for the courage of Carl Jung, synchronicity might not be understood even today. Jung’s defines synchronicity as the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer. We experience synchronicity most often when we are open and aware. Special circumstances, challenges and times of upheaval are the outer conditions that push us toward openness. As the earth below our feet begins to shift, our Soul begins to awaken and we begin to feel more vulnerable. When our awareness is heightened during times of turmoil and change, we find ourselves hunting for answers and solutions, or perhaps it is just learning how to appreciate unexpected happiness. Synchronicity presents itself in many ways. It can be dramatic or subtle. We don’t always understand what it means or the message it contains right away—it could take days or months. What is magical about synchronicity is that it can change your life forever. The magic is in the evolution of your Soul, if you trust enough to see and listen to the messages. Synchronous events can happen one after the other as if there is a point the Universe is trying to make over and over again. Depending on what you are going through in your life at the time, it could have all kinds of incredible meanings. The more deeply you come to understand synchronicity, the more you will be able to see the beautiful ways in which the Universe is whispering to you. Fully coming to understand and decode synchronicity prepares you to recognize what the Universe is trying to manifest for you. Listen to your gut feelings, and if there is some unusual situation or circumstance that shows itself to you, don’t discount that it might have something interesting to offer. Something that could very well provide a much-needed answer to your question.

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 11
at 9:11 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) One Step, Two Steps, Then Go Back And Begin Again Our spiritual path can often resemble an unorganized dance step, one step forward and sometimes six steps back, trip and fall and get up again. Patience is a virtue and this is certainly true when it comes to the growth of our Soul. We are just like babies learning how to walk when crawling isn’t enough, wobbly legs and lots of falls. Soul Work is something of the same—it is all about learning how to become conscious from the state of unconsciousness, which is all we have ever known. There is so much to learn about ourselves, and it can be frustrating at first not knowing where to start. Even more frustrating if you started and then stopped and now you want to get back up again, but you don’t know how to take the next step! The answer is always the same regardless of where you are on your journey—whether you’re a beginner or not, it all starts with taking care of You. Life is about balance. I used to think balance was overrated, since I didn’t have a clue what it meant, but equity is vitally important especially if you are an intuitive, sensitive person. Aligning our energies so we pay particular attention to our own needs, wants and desires is how we make the first move to becoming more in harmony with our Soul. What is it that you aren’t doing that you would love to do? How we express our own unique creative selves has everything to do with staying on course on our spiritual path. How are you aligned with what cultivates your true expression? What is it that you are passionate about? When we engage in something that brings joy and happy feelings to us, it burns a fire in the belly of our Soul, igniting further what is ready to be inspired. We are responsible for how life treats us and how we get on in the world. Once you accept this obligation to yourself and commit to it, you kindle or rekindle the desire to take the best care of yourself that you can. Soul growth is a process, so be kind to yourself, and get frustrated when and if you need to because it is ok to trip and fall now and again. The Universe has no agenda, and it is willing to support you wherever you are. The Universe will never abandon you. There are synchronistic events happening all the time around you, and you just have to be present so you don’t miss them. Take care of You because you are the only You that you have, and love yourself as much as your Soul is nudging you to. Namaste Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 08
at 9:27 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog)Intuition Literally Means Learning From Within Most of us were not taught how to use our gut instinct, if you learn to trust it, it will become stronger and stronger offering up the best advise you will ever need. Avoid going against your better judgment or getting talked into things that just don’t feel right, rely on your intuition to guide you when decisions are necessary. Never apologize for trusting your intuition, your Ego can play tricks, your heart can be blind at times, but your gut feeling is always right. The more you trust your intuitive nature the more empowered you become, the stronger you become and the happier you will be. Don’t always trust what you see, even a wolf can get away wearing sheep's clothing, not everything that seems real is real. If you get a hunch that something isn’t right, you are tapping into facts filed away inside of you, your Soul is trying to get your attention to details, for your Higher good. Trust your gut when it comes to people. What you see if often not what you get, don’t be fooled by someone else’s deception, a variety of humans can be masters at their own games of manipulation. Intuition should not have to be explained to anyone, you don’t need to justify your deep inner feelings, those who argue what you intuitively feel, be cautious, they need not be trusted. It’s a fact that ignoring our intuition is easier, simpler and not as much work, but why would you ignore that beautiful part of your Self that just knows what you should do. Don’t stifle the voice that knows what is best for you, even if you are scared to death of it, be brave, listen to what it is telling you. Once you know the true facts work on courage, the Universe wants you to be courageous, no human that embraces courage will be denied. Fear keeps us from acting on our instincts, our Ego stores all of our fears in our well kept and orderly mind. Our Ego is immaculate with our trepidations, it has a library full of our fears, all categorized so it knows which panic to pull out for each time we start to question its veracity, it has a library card of answers every time it feels it needs to shut down our instincts. The velocity in which our Ego acts is quick and decisive, learning how to recognize our Ego the second it shows up takes time and patience. realizing your Ego above your instincts is the golden key to a peaceful life. Don’t give up, keep trying, work hard, you are worth it. Much love Annanda

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