Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 21
at 9:27 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) “Sorry, I Don’t Do That Anymore!” If you can come to a point in your life where you are able to say these words out loud, with conviction, it very well could be the best revelation you have. This small sentence of truth could easily change your life and set you on a path of newfound freedom. “I don’t do that anymore” are such easy words to express, but to learn to speak them you had to go through the doors of Hell first. From a very young age, your inner psyche embarks on a destiny. This new life of yours will begin with a multitude of programmed beliefs that your parents felt a need to condition you with. Actually your parents were unconsciously passing down fears that have been cataloged for generations. Lifetime after lifetime, habitual behaviours and beliefs are inherited by the ones born next in line. Everything that we are taught to believe has been handed down time and time again, and all of what we know to be our truth has been pre-owned. All of the lessons that we are meant to learn in this life experience will be because we were not able to pass the tests of these lessons in a previous life. This you might call Karma, the fate of destiny and the predetermination of what our obstacles will be in this present life existence. Our challenge at some point in our lives is to begin to undo that which has been programmed into our minds—to elevate our Soul, we need to pass the exams of our lessons once and for all. Whatever it may be that you are currently struggling with, you can be guaranteed that it is one of those very hard lessons. How you are presently feeling because of this struggle with a lesson might feel like what we have heard Hell to be. The tugging and pulling that is going on inside of you is the battle raging between your Ego and your Soul, and this war between the two can be quite nasty. Your Ego wants you to cling to an old belief and your Soul is asking you to release it. Whatever the behaviour is that is outdated, once you release it you will be rewarded for your difficult efforts. One of the ways we are granted a reward for a job well done is being able to say “Sorry, I don’t do that anymore.” No longer will you want to be taken for granted or taken advantage of. This achievement is known as “taking back your personal power.” When we own our power, we then own our lives and no longer do we have to believe in a lot of what was handed down to us by our ancestors. We become free to live our lives in the way that nourishes our Souls, and when our Souls are filled with love, we are more capable of becoming everything that we have dreamed we could be. ?Namaste Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 20
at 11:18 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog) Empaths just know stuff without being told. It is a knowing that far exceeds intuition. The more aware they become, the stronger this gift grows.Wherever there are lots of people, it can fill an Empath with turbulent emotions. Being in public places can be overwhelming. Feeling others’ emotions and absorbing those feelings like a sponge is a huge one for an Empath. Some will feel emotions of those nearby and from those at a vast distance. The more adept Empath will know if someone is having a bad day, even from another part of town, or from another city or country. TV is unbearable. An Empath knows when someone is not being honest. You can’t tell an Empath lies and get away with it. If someone is saying one thing but feeling another, an Empath will know. An Empath can pick up physical symptoms from another person. Developing ailments such as a cold, eye infection, or aches and pains, especially from those close to you is not uncommon. Empaths often get drained of their energy, either from the energy of other people (energy vampires) or because they just take on too much from others. Sleep often doesn’t help to replenish their energy. Empaths are drawn to healing, holistic therapies and all things metaphysical. Anything of a supernatural nature is of interest to Empaths and they don’t get surprised or shocked easily. Empaths are very creative and have a strong creative streak and a vivid imagination. They adore nature and animals. Empaths get bored and distracted very easily—work, school and life in general must be kept interesting. They have an incredibly strong need for solitude. Empaths will always be striving for the Truth. Anything untruthful feels painful. Routine, rules, control or anything that takes away their freedom is debilitating and poisoning. An Empath is an excellent listener—they won’t talk about themselves much unless it is to someone they really trust. They love to learn and understand about other people because they genuinely care. Empaths can sometimes appear moody, shy, aloof or disconnected. They cannot hide behind their facial expression because they detest having to pretend at anything. Empaths are unique individuals with many special gifts, and they are here to help raise the vibrational energy of the world. If you already know an Empath, or if you have the pleasure of meeting one, please treat them with the respect they deserve. They are not freaks; they are simply beautiful human beings with a sensitive and incredible Soul. Namaste, Shanti??Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 19
at 9:29 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog), Notice Your Breathing. Take a long, slow deep breath through your nostrils with your eyes closed and your shoulders relaxed. Exhale slowly, and allow your whole upper body to soften into the crease in your waist. Feel better? Our breath is an amazing tool to help us in any situation.Focusing on our breathing is powerful—it is a life-force energy that not only keeps us alive but has the ability to calm us and help us stay controlled. Our breath has the strength to influence every emotion in our body. Inhale and then exhale slowly, and with that flow of rhythm, we have the ability to gently dominate how we feel. Bringing our awareness to our breath allows us to hold steady without the intrusion of our minds. With each breath, we awaken more of the positive aura that naturally surrounds us. Every rhythmic breath changes our mood from sadness, panic or sorrow to calmness. The energy of our emotional state of mind can easily shift if we are able to master the art of our breathing. Our Ego is no match for our breathtaking breath of life. Gentle and with an undertow of seduction, our breathing can bring us back to Now. This present moment is all there is. Using our breath to bring us relaxation of the mind is one of the most natural ways to allow us to feel peace. Peace of mind is something that we all strive for every single day. Practice using your breath to help you with everyday stresses. It is a wonderful way to rejuvenate your physical body. Nice, deep belly breaths bring back the sparkle to your wellbeing, and not only do your cells benefit, so does your wonderful Spirit. Shanti, Ann x

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 18
at 9:27 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog) A Letter To The Ego,, my blogs are posted on my website. Have a beautiful day Annanda :)

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 14
at 9:33 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog). Spiritual Maturity. What happens to us when we die? Our physical body vessel goes back to the earth and our Soul essence returns to our Spirit to be recharged for our next life experience. There are many dimensions in the Spirit World, for not all spirits live in the same place. The Soul Work that we achieved on this earth in our most recent human life experience determines what level of energy we vibrate at our time of death. We as human beings are made up of energy, and actually, every single thing around us is energy. When our Soul separates from our physical body and returns to Spirit, it will return to the vibrational dimension that suits the energy that we elevated to while we were here on Earth. Where you go in spirit after you die depends on your spiritual maturity, or in other words, your spiritual evolution at the time of your passing. We experience many, many lifetimes because it takes a long time for most of us to become spiritually mature. The evolution of our Soul happens when we develop an understanding of our true authentic self. Each lifetime we are meant to achieve some conscious level of understanding about our truth. The Law of Karma keeps us coming back to this physical world until we reach such a vibration of energy that we no longer accumulate karma. This is how reincarnation works. This brings the art of recycling into a whole new light. It is so important while we are in this life experience, our present life on Earth, to stay clear of negative energy. The energy we surround ourselves with is the energy that affects our Spirit also. Negative energy weakens the light of our Spirit. There is so much wisdom to be gained from each of our life experiences on this planet we call Earth. Make the most of this lifetime and gain as much maturity as you can, from a soul perspective, of course. The suffering that you work your way through in this life will have a lot to do with the life that you come back with next time around. Keep your energy positive and keep the energy around you positive. The more you elevate your energy to a higher vibration, the more negative energy will affect you in a pessimistic and gloomy way, and the less tolerant of negative people and places you will become. Negative energy from other people will affect you more and more if you are an evolving Soul, so honour your spiritual growth by being with people that vibrate with you, not against you. Namaste ?Annanda

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