Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On January 02
at 4:10 PM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) Well Prepare When Going Into Battle Battles are won when we have well prepared. Sharpen your spear, and for your face choose the colours of your war paint carefully, there is no room for error, mistakes will be costly and what you arm your Self with before the battle begins will have everything to do with your future. Energy is building within the walls of your temple, vibrations resembling ocean tides during a super full moon. Read more at my website

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On January 02
at 9:11 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog)Incalculable Worth There is no place for gold coins and banknotes in the vaulted cellar deep within you. This master crypt is as secure space you will ever find, something pricelessly valuable indeed is stored in this treasury at a depth within your body that is immeasurable. Two precious energies so tightly intertwined, there is no space, time or light between them, their value cannot be determined by gold, diamonds or money. A heart and Soul are beyond price, their worth is inestimable, incalculable, their worth more than a king’s ransom, and yet we humans care least of all for what lies in our vault, we pay no attention to the details of the truth of who we are, the key to unlocking our treasury has long been lost or given away. How tragic that we do not recognize the profit we unconsciously preserve, without a notice to the usefulness and importance that it beholds for us. Practicality is a state that hypnotizes every possibility of any proposal that might provide a new convenience to opening the vault that keeps us apart from being used for more than our external human existence. Some, with courage, may find a way to unlocking and releasing the magical dove before it withers and dies, but others will not, the ancestral beliefs are far too strong and the chains that hold them intact cannot be broken. For those who close their eyes and with a deep breath soar with faith, a profound new devise will be granted to free the precious energies that have been begging to be released, the door that keeps you from Felicity, bliss, and fulfilment will be abolished forever. When will the time come for you to recognize that you are more than what you are, you are more than you have been conditioned to believe, especially by sources that have not yet found their own key to the vaults within themselves? Let the time be now, upon this New Year for you to decide that you are more than you have ever known before. Because I know you are, I feel it. Much love and devotion Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 29
at 11:42 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (note) Hello and Shanti to You. Today I leave for the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Another magical and mystical adventure awaits in the land I love so well. It has been nearly 4 years since I was there visiting and unfortunately had to come home because of an illness. Today I leave with a clean bill of health and a developed Souls appreciation for life, more than I had ever felt was possible. Thank you to my incredible Mentor Crystal, my beautiful and inspiring Clients and my forever friends for assisting me on my Spirits journey these past few years, each of you plays a vital role in my life and I am humbled beyond words for your love and support. In a few days time, I will continue with my daily ‘Little Morning Sunshine (Blog), I will also be introducing Instagram Live and Facebook Live, please ‘Follow’ me if you don’t already on those social media resources, so I can share my Spiritual Australia journey with you. I am very much looking forward to spending some quality time with my Daughter Allison and her partner Dan, I am excited to be able to return to Peace Yoga Studios, and visit with some old friends on the Coast. Remarkable Souls, I wish from the bottom of my heart a very Happy New Year to you. January 1st we have a Super Full Moon in the sign of Cancer, this is a wonderful time for you to connect with your intuitive nature, what are your hopes and wishes for this coming new year, listen to your inner voice for answers. 2018 is the year of the Earth Dog. The 12th Chinese Zodiac Sign teaches us to be tolerant and empathetic towards people, so we may preserve our Karmic balance. No matter what is going on in your life cultivate optimism, miracles are born from the Universe each and every day, honour your integrity, be good to your Self and know that all is well, you are right where you are because it is exactly where you need to be, right now. See you in Australia, Much love and devotion Annanda xo

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 27
at 8:10 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) I Can Hear You, ‘ I Don’t Do Morning’s Well’! I know there are lots of you out there that dislike getting out of bed in the morning. How do I know? I can ‘feel’ the resistance from you when you first become conscious and open your eyes. Energy has a lot to tell us, and when there is refusal in the air, some of us can feel it even from far away. Snuggled under your warm and cozy blankets, it isn’t easy to face the day when it is still dark outside. I get up with my inner alarm clock every morning around about 4:00 am. I love that time of day because the air is very still and so is the collective energy. Early morning is when I feel the most ebullient. Early rising has come naturally to me since I was a small child, and I still enjoy it to this day. I love starting out at the unusual hour that I do, there is something very unique about the ‘before sunrise’ hours, I can’t really explain in words, perhaps it is the optimistic buoyancy, the uplifting force of the energy that I feel, it holds an essence of deep and strong resilience within it. Everything that I have read tells me that early rising is very good for our health. Just like the old saying, ‘early to bed, early to rise’, sometimes the old stuff that people have written is the best advice. Just like anything, new habits can be formed if we make a practice of it. Morning people have been known to earn higher grades on their tests and exams. Early risers are more proactive and dynamic in their daily progress, and people who are active in the early morning are more likely to anticipate problems and minimize them efficiently. Early to get out of bed people, tend to use their morning quiet time for organization, goal-setting, and planning, which leads to greater successes in their lives. Waking up early to exercise boosts our moods and fitness provides energy that allows us to move through our day with greater ease. Going to bed earlier and waking up earlier, your body will be more in tune with the earth’s constant rhythms, which offers more restorative sleep. I’m not knocking all of you night owls out there, you are the unique ones that are linked with creativity and intelligence, but studies have shown that you are more likely to exhibit traits like depression, pessimism, and neurosis, which can make you a little overanxious, nervous and tense. I suppose the moral of my story is this; why not try going to bed a little earlier, so you are able to rise and shine a little earlier too. Try it and see what happens, I highly recommend it. Satya Annanda May you find Truth

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On December 22
at 10:49 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog) A Substandard Story Line Any story that the Ego creates is usually really unpleasant and definitely not reliable. The Ego has an inadequate and faulty perspective on the way it views just about everything. Unless it has been convincing you that you are grandiose. You, above everyone else, is superior in your judgments, your thinking, your concepts and your theories… If you believe this is the case, these traits are very harmful and damaging, not only to you but to the people in your life as well. The Ego plays a detrimental part in our everyday life from the moment we open our eyes at the crack of dawn until the time we close them again at bedtime. Our mind loves to wreak havoc on every part of our Being. The physical body can be plagued with illness because of what the Ego has convinced us for far too long is the truth about ourselves. When our Ego is at work, we may at times even begin to challenge our own mental health. Confusion and torment take over our every thought, and we might ask ourselves “Am I going crazy?” Emotions are on high alert and even the drop of a pin might make us jump. Crying seems to be the theme of the day sometimes and no matter what we do, the tears just won’t stop. If it isn’t tears, then perhaps it is anger. It boils to the surface of our throat and we can’t hold back. The Ego can be a beast with an angry curse, so do not cross anyone who has that look in their eye. The eyes of an upset Ego alone can tell a really bad story. Spiritually we become disengaged, and there is no sense of anything that resides below the surface of who we are. Our Soul becomes lost and distant, and ignoring the whispers from deep inside of us becomes a disappointing habit. What can be done to make our life more peaceful, and what can we do to quiet our minds? The objective is to become aware, for awareness is everything. It empowers us in the face of the Ego. An objective mind is one that is not influenced by drama, which is our Ego’s greatest source of food. Our Ego will live with us until our last day on this earth, but there are many ways to tame it. Namaste ??Annanda

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