Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On November 30
at 6:59 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) Happiness, To Shop Or Not To Shop As human beings, we experience a state that some might call joyfulness. This state of being can also be felt in the heart and Soul of who we are. Actually, when happiness is felt inside of us there is a deeper sense of pleasure that arises. How do we know the difference? When it comes to happiness and contentment, when are we truly feeling the real thing? Our Ego loves to indulge and devour on the level of surface, our unconscious self. Our unconsciousness talks us into material purchases and the ideals of bigger and better—more is more, not less. Our Ego helps us to buy nicer cars, another pair of shoes to add to our already overflowing collection, boats, bigger houses, bigger TVs and any other new toy that comes on the market. These are the more extreme cases of Ego-clinging, but there doesn’t always have to be a big hole in our finances to top up the Ego. The Ego has its way with us in many different forms, and the point is our Ego finds joy and happiness most often when we are out buying and accumulating, replacing and replenishing. This kind of fulfillment is sadly temporary and is falsified happiness, far from the real thing. What is supposed to make us happy anyway? The state of happiness can be a very confusing subject. The answer is really very simple and uncomplicated: It all comes down to being conscious. Although perhaps happiness seems more like something we see in a big-screen movie, rather than anything we experience for the long term on any given day, or not usually anyway! Genuine and authentic happiness comes from the place inside of us that allows us to feel with complete and sensitive emotion. An emotional state of being that can actually be felt in the physical body as well as in the emotional and spiritual parts of who we are. For example, a walk in the forest might trigger us to take deep breaths, and when we breathe out we feel “something,” and sometimes that something even brings a tear or two. Perhaps when we hold a new baby or play with a child, we feel a connection with that little one and our insides swell with love. These are the sentiments of true happiness. Material things are nice, and they make us happy in the moment of purchase, but true and lasting happiness is there for us any time we want to tap into it. It is our conscious awareness of recognizing the good and positive in our life, and those kinds of thoughts don’t cost a thing. Joyfulness is living from the Soul of who we are—it is all about the simple things in life, and that is why finding happiness doesn’t have to be complicated at all. Namaste Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On November 29
at 9:54 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) Who Facilitates Our Spiritual Growth? Before we are born our Soul works together with our Spirit Guides to map out what our life experience should look like. A careful analyst is made to determine which life lessons will be put to the test in order to bring resolution to those issues, so we can evolve. We carefully filter through all of the Souls that we have previously known in other life experiences, and we choose the ones that will better assist us on our new journey in our new life episode. We make contracts with those Souls to show up when it is their time to facilitate our growth. Most of those contracts that we sign with these other souls, will have an expiry date. Just like signed contracts in real life, there is a start and end date. How do we know when we have met one of those Souls we made a deal with? Soul Family is a name we can use to better understand who those Souls are that we choose to be in our life, it is not that all of our contracts will become our immediate family, extended family or otherwise, but in a sense the Souls that play a role in our life are a little like family, we have known these Souls in previous incarnations. When you meet one of these Soul contracts, very likely it will be a synchronic event. The timing will be perfectly aligned with where you are in your life, and what experiences you are having trouble or difficulty with. You might say that these people show up ‘just in the nick of time’, or at least this is how you may reflect on the connection over time. Soul contracts come into our lives exactly when we asked them to, remember before we were born we chose them to help facilitate at a certain time of our life to assist in our growth. Not all of these Soul contracts will be sugar and spice, there will be many that will have difficult and painful lessons to teach us, throughout the time that we spend with them. If you look back over your life, you may be able to see the pattern, or the map this far, take a moment to reflect on the friendships you’ve had that have long since disappeared. Think about a time when a certain friend came into your life, what did you gain from that friendship, and then how did the relationship dissolve? This is how we put the pieces of our life map together, each piece of the puzzle represents a time of expansion and growth for us. If we learn the lesson, then a puzzle piece is earned and we move forward. Soul family seem to come out of nowhere, you might recognize this as you become more spiritually mature, and you may begin to recognize which piece of the puzzle of your life will be assisted by each Soul contract. Keep your heart and Soul open to those you meet by chance, because nothing is a coincidence in your life. Don’t miss out on a fated opportunity to evolve your Soul. Satya May You Find Truth Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On November 28
at 9:31 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog) Friendships Until you fully appreciate the true value of friendship, you have yet to understand how to be a kind, caring and loving friend to someone. The art of friendship is a complicated matter, I am sure you will agree. Friendship shouldn’t have to let you down, it isn’t about just being there when it’s convenient, a cherished friend is one who finds time on his calendar, not one who has to consult his calendar to make time for you. True friendship is about give and take but not allowing the scales to tip all in one favour. A friend is a friend to the end except if they hurt you or use you, there is no friend in that. Over the course of our lifetime there will be many friends that come and go. Some people are going to leave, simply it is the end of their part in your story, and that is ok. It is sad when you realize people you once considered close friends, don’t value the friendship any longer, in the way that you do, Soul contracts do expire, the key is to know when to let go. True friendship isn’t about how long you have been together, what memories you share or the pack you made with each other, ‘friends until the end’, it is more about how you value each other's integrity. If at some point the value in the friendship shifts, then it is time to take a look at what the friendship really means to you, how much more are you willing to give of yourself to support something that has perhaps become outdated! Friendships can make us cry, they can make us angry, they can let us down and break our hearts, it is just the way friends are sometimes. Friends that are not loyal to your Soul because they are only loyal to their need of you, are not true friends. Friendships are not made and they can’t be forced, they are only born out of respect, and with a deep understanding that involves value and integrity. A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believes your smile, this is what a true friend is, someone who knows you better than you know yourself. A friend who is truly invested in you wants to get to know the very core of your Soul. Those are the friends that are worth keeping because it isn’t what they want of you, but what they can do for you that matters the most to them. Friendships are a complicated matter this is a fact, but a true friend who values who you are, shouldn’t be complicated at all. Perhaps as does a human, we never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Keep the friends that love you for who you are, there is no need to make changes for anyone - other than yourself. Satya May You Find Truth Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On November 27
at 9:31 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog) The Deepest Of Love Do you feel it, can you feel it, the simple sensations of love? I talk a lot about the Ego but rarely about love. It isn’t that I don’t like to express myself when it comes to love, quite the contrary, intense feelings of deep affection have always come very naturally to me, it has been learning how to protect that natural part of my Self, this has been my Soul Work. Love is a complicated matter, the word itself implies a power that sometimes is unmeasurable, in other words just saying the word doesn’t always give the emotions felt, justice. Breaking into tears because of an outpouring of love, feelings of tenderness that seem to float up out of no where from deep inside your belly, this is true love. Maybe it happens just because, it doesn’t have to necessarily be a reaction to someone or something in particular, perhaps this sensational response occurs because of the love you hold inside of you, for You! Possibly the love oozing from your veins feels like it expands into the world, into the cosmos and then beyond all time and space, maybe in one incredible moment you feel a sense of love apart from anything you have ever felt before. Tears tend to fall more rapidly when this occurs, it can be quite an intense experience. It is times like this when love exceeds all of our expectations, an out of body observation may happen to you. The most beautiful love I believe comes when you are able to love your enemies, the people in your life that have hurt you, belittled you and challenged your integrity, when you are able to hold a space in your heart and embrace a deeper understanding for that person, or those people, then you have reached an elevated level in your Soul, and pure and precious love is your reward. Love is all we need, the World as we know it, doesn’t need more hate, there is enough of that to go around already, our Earth needs more forgiveness, and that starts with us humans. Take a look inside of your Self for what you have a grievance for, is it worth it? Very likely not, if you dig deep there will be a hundred reasons why not, so make your mission on letting it go, not only will you benefit but the collective will as well. Much love to you dear Soul Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On November 24
at 9:22 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog) When Your Feet Are Cold, Put On A Pair Of Socks We put socks on when our feet are cold, but what do we do when our Soul feels like it needs a good warming up? Often we get so caught up in daily routines and other peoples expectations, not necessarily because of their demands, but our need to please them, we neglect our Self. With this going on in our life we tend to fail at tending to our Self. I often wonder if we started a revolution that forced us to slow down, we would be better off. There would be time at least to smell the sweetness of life, which is quite often shadowed by all of our responsibilities, Maybe we need a boot camp to get us back on track when we are feeling so derailed. There are so many forces that seem to work against us instead of the opposite. Not only do we despair about what is going on in parts of the world mostly unknown to us, we have the energy of the Cosmos to constantly push and pull at us, what with the cycles of the moon, eclipse energies and all of the different planets that effect our emotional and mental states of mind, no wonder we wake up now and again feeling a confused. Trust me when I say this, you are not the only one, I am right there with you some days. Life seems to be about keeping our head just above the surface of the ocean, and it takes us all of our will power to keep those legs of ours treading water and praying for a sand bar. One thing I know for sure if you put your trust in the Universe, like I do, along comes a big piece of driftwood for you to hold onto just when you need it the most. I think my message today is simply never give up, whatever it is you are facing right now, it is important that you trust the challenge for what it is for, your Soul. When the weight of the entire universal galaxy feels like it is resting on your shoulders and the decisions you are facing are more than you can bare to face, when you are in a state of disrepair and you feel so uncared for by your Guides, it is important to know that something phenomenal is happening inside of you, a positive and rewarded change is about to take place. If your feet are cold put on a nice comfy pair of socks, if your Soul feels chilly give yourself a great big hug from me, know you are loved and know you are enough exactly where you are right now. Have a peaceful day Annanda

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