Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre in Wyebridge
On August 12 at 8:48 AM

Learning to pay attention, using mindfulness, a skill which can be cultivated, will help to reduce stress and diminish many problems associated with a busy lifestyle, stressed out mind and allow you to stop spinning and greet your life with awareness, acceptance and a calm response to whatever comes your way.

The goal of meditation is not to have your mind go blank and feel blissed out, unaware of life around you. Rather it's a skill to cultivate awareness, noticing everything and choosing what, when and how to respond rather than being swept away in an automatic reaction.

Imagine living with a greater sense of ease, more peace in life, resilience, able to deal with stress effectively and with less anxiety. MBSR is the program that cultivates that skill. Traditionally an eight week program, but this week retreat will include all of the curriculum in a condensed time frame, allowing you to deepen your practice through the week and decide what form of mindfulness suits you best.

October 6-11. 2024
5720 Forgets Road, Wyebridge

Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre in Wyebridge
On August 08 at 8:17 AM

Did you know that breathwork is an amazing modality that can transform your life when used regularly. If you have stress in your life that impacts you negatively, experience anxiety or depression, have difficulty concentrating or focusing, struggle with self-motivation or you are looking to expand your consciousness or reach great states of spirituality breathwork can assist you.

During this experiential and immersive breathing retreat, you will learn how our breath is intended to work and how modern stressors can impact it. This technique will help you to reestablish an optimum breathing pattern. You will learn the benefits, physical, emotional and spiritually of breathing. Over the weekend you will have multiple opportunities to practice the breathing techniques and experience the benefits. This can be the beginning of you starting your own breath practice that can continue when you return home. Breathing is truly a self-empowering approach.

October 4-6, 2024
5720 Forgets Road, Wyebridge

Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre in Wyebridge
On August 07 at 3:03 PM

Heal and expand your heart with horses at this very special retreat. For centuries horses have been by our side: working fields with us, fighting wars alongside us, taking us everywhere we need to go, playing sports, running races and admired for their grace and beauty. Now we can experience them showing up as the powerful healers they are in countless therapeutic capacities all over the globe.

This weekend you will experience the power of the horse and empower yourself to heal, transform or simply open more deeply into a loving heart space with the support of a small herd of healing horses.

September 20-22, 2024
5720 Forgets Road, Wyebridge

Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre in Wyebridge
On August 07 at 3:03 PM

Whether you are in need of some space to think and reflect or are looking to nurture yourself in a spiritual and peaceful environment, this silent retreat provides the setting to return to yourself. In the stillness of silence you can reconnect with your inner wisdom and sort out the mental chatter of daily life, contemplate questions you may be avoiding or gain clarity of thought.

Taking a break from communication is a gift we give each other on retreat. No need for small talk or wondering what to say. The silence isn't heavy and punishing, it's welcome and light.

With the silence comes clarity of thought, concentration and insights into motivation and attention. Without distractions of communication, electronics and media you can focus on your own thoughts, become more self-aware and grow a little more, developing equanimity with all the background noise of the environment, other people, physical sensations.

September 22-27, 2024
5720 Forgets Road, Wyebridge

Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre in Wyebridge
On August 07 at 3:03 PM
Wellness Within: Mindful Movement and Meditation Retreat Weekend

This weekend getaway is an opportunity to create a space of wellness from the inside out by incorporating mindfulness practices of movement and stillness. Enjoy this time just for you as you experience practices creating a balance of Yang & Yin energies in body, mind & spirit.

This retreat is perfect if you're curious about mindfulness but not sure where to start. This is YOUR time. If you need to sleep in, then skip the early morning yoga session. Allow this time to be the kindest gift you can ever give yourself, and honour your true needs.

Throughout this retreat, you are invited to explore various forms of mindfulness meditations including sitting, walking and eating, as well as mindful movement through yoga and gentle exercise.

September 27-29, 2024
5710 Forgets Road, Wyebridge

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