Just a reminder we have Pork, Beef, Chicken, Turkey and Rib Bone Broth available in one litre jars for those exceptional fall soups people love and I am making more as the bones come in.
Bone broth is rich in minerals that help build and strengthen your bones. It also contains many other healthy nutrients, including vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids.
Order via our online store: https://bit.ly/3jqDnCq By Phone (call or text): (705) 427-1206
It's Pie season, folks! We have added some great pies to our store for you to enjoy as a sweet treat this fall.
Our most popular pie is Apple Crumble Pie: Homestyle pie made with slices of Northern Spy apples, sprinkled with cinnamon and topped with a crunchy, sweet crumble.
We had this pie on the weekend and everyone loved it. We thawed it and then baked it on a preheated baking sheet in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes. It really crisped up the crumble, awesome!
Serve warm with ice cream of course or cooled.
Order via our online store: https://npgoodeats.ca/ By Phone (call or text): (705) 427-1206