here is the February Newsletter for your perusal

Hi Everyone,
Welcome to February and belated Happy Valentines Day to you all.
Family Day and Flag Day as well.

Due to Covid and As everyone is well aware,
we are finally being placed in the Red Zone
BUT we are unable to host the February dinner meeting
Look forward to seeing you soon.....we hope;&title=&*URLENCODE(&TITLE;)&utm_source=&PUB_CODE;&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=&*URLENCODE({{*JobID}})&oly_enc_id=0806I8442478A9U

Hello Everyone,
As of tomorrow, December 14th/2020
our area is being temporarily placed in COVID code RED
Therefore we must cancel the Christmas Luncheon scheduled at
Restaurant Saint Marie on Wednesday December 16th at 11:30.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me
Be Safe, Stay Healthy
Cheers Teresa


Please note that the November 25/2020 meeting location has been changed to the RESTAURANT AT STE MARIE on Highway 12
Same time
Dinner will be a PLATED MEAL / Socially distanced tables / Small Table Groupings

Our guest speaker will be: Bart Nagel of Farm2Door/BulbsOfFire
There will be a Preserves Table for Early Christmas Buying that evening on premise. Bring your Christmas List...'

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