Midland Cultural Centre in Midland
On September 24 at 3:50 PM
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Midland Cultural Centre in Midland
On October 22 at 2:53 PM
They're Back! Saturday Open Mic! Cafe Roxy is delighted to announce the return of Saturday Open Mic starting Saturday, October 27th from 1pm - 3:30pm. Bring your instrument and enjoy some live music and friendship. PA supplied.

Midland Cultural Centre in Midland
On October 21 at 3:00 PM
TOMMY YOUNGSTEEN: The Best of Bruce Springsteen performs at the MCC on November 2nd. Tickets on sale now at http://www.midlandculturalcentre.com/page.php?page=Events&pageType=events&eventid=100047442

Midland Cultural Centre in Midland
On October 20 at 11:30 AM
On November 1st, award-winning journalist, author, and broadcaster TED BARRIS speaks at the Midland Cultural Centre about Dam Busters: Canadian Airmen and the Secret Raid against Nazi Germany, his latest book published by HarperCollins. It was a night that changed the Second World War. The secret air raid against the hydroelectric dams of Germany’s Ruhr River took years to plan, involved an untried bomb, and included the best aircrewmen RAF Bomber Command could muster – many of them Canadian. The attack marked the first time the Allies tactically took the war inside Nazi Germany. Get your tickets at http://www.midlandculturalcentre.com/page.php?page=Events&pageType=events&eventid=100047875

Midland Cultural Centre in Midland
On October 19 at 1:30 PM
The next Our Health event will be on October 30th at the MCC as our experts discuss Health in the Digital Age - The Perils and Possibilities of Digital Technology. Access to the Internet and new technology has transformed the world of communication and health care. But, this proliferation of digital activity is not without negative effects! Tickets are FREE with registration at http://www.midlandculturalcentre.com/page.php?page=Events&pageType=events&eventid=100048147

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