Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On August 22 at 8:40 AM
Returning Monday 28 August 2023. Image courtesy of Vecteezy.

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On August 18 at 9:52 AM
Come out this Wednesday August 16th for a Meet n Greet at Rooted Cafe from 1 pm to 4 pm. We can chat over a coffee. Let's get rooted at Rooted. 349 King Street Unit 4 Midland (beside Mr Sub)

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On August 18 at 9:52 AM
Come out today for a Meet n Greet at Rooted Cafe from 1 pm to 4 pm. We can chat over a coffee. Let's get rooted at Rooted. 349 King Street Unit 4 Midland (beside Mr Sub)

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On August 15 at 12:26 PM
Come out this Wednesday August 16tth for a Meet n Greet at Rooted Cafe from 1 pm to 4 pm. We can chat over a coffee. Let's get rooted at Rooted. 349 King Street Unit 4 Midland (beside Mr Sub)

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On August 15 at 12:26 PM
My job is to ask you about life insurance. Please don't make it my job to tell your family you didn't have any.
#insurance #lifeinsurance #criticalillnessinsurance #disabilityinsurance #healthinsurance #dentalinsurance #travelinsurance #gauranteedissue #keypersoninsurance #buysellagreements #loanprotection #supervisainsurance #childrensinsurance #personalinsurance #businessinsurance

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