Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On September 06 at 2:10 PM
Come out tomorrow Wednesday September 5th, 2023 to meet me at Rooted Cafe. Grab a coffee and lets talk. 349 King St, Midland, Ontario.

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On September 06 at 2:10 PM
Met this gentleman today at the Bala Market David Munro. He shared his powerful story. His daughter developed cancer at age 2. Without knowing me or what I do he stated every parent should have insurance on their child. OPACC is a support group for parents who have children going through cancer. A powerful story.

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On September 04 at 10:50 AM
September is Life Insurance Awareness month. https://www.limra.com/en/newsroom/liam/

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On August 31 at 11:13 AM
How to have fun at university without going broke. You often hear it said that university will feature some of the best years of your life. Chances are, they'll also be some of your most broke years. University is an exhilarating time because so many new things are happening. One of those new things is learning how to handle your money.
Click the link to learn more:

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On August 30 at 9:33 AM
Tomorrow Wednesday 30 August 2023 come out to Rooted Cafe from 1pm to 4pm. Let's chat over a coffee. Behind Mr. Sub with parking off of Midland Ave.

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