Check out my Website to find out what I do. Are you wishing for more happiness, more peace and joy? Do you feel sluggish, down in the dumps and find yourself asking, 'what is life all about'? If so, I can help. Go to my website and click on 'Contact', message me there and I will be in touch. Much love Annanda
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) Dream A Little Dream With Me
I didn’t get much sleep last night, which isn’t unusual for me, so it’s mornings like this I begin to realize how overrated sleep can actually be sometimes because I love when I dream. I welcome my dreams as I would a beautifully wrapped gift left at my door. There is so much wisdom and insight to be gained from the time we spend deep in our dreams. There are very few modalities our Soul can utilize to send us messages of intelligence about our Self and our life, dreams are a quality the Soul can use to get our attention. At times dreaming can be annoying, we humans like to have control and when we are kept stirring in our beds at night with series of thoughts, images and sensations in our mind that keep us awake, we might miss the point altogether. Dreams are synchronicity as well I believe, often at times just as difficult to decipher as the messages that come to us while we are awake. Nightmares frighten us, we wake up in sweat and fear feeling confused, ‘what was the message in that’, we might ask yourself? Sigmund Freud regarded dreams as ‘the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious’, but he had little to say about nightmares. Actually, the term nightmare was never used by Freud, anxiety dreams is the term he used and although he has written little about them, they do serve a purpose of insight into our deep inner psyche. Our dreams are an awakening of our Soul, brief moments that often seem like hours prior to waking. Are dreams meant to be a fulfilment of wishes for us, what we might pray for or in asking the Universe for guidance our Soul brings us dreams to ponder? Whatever the case I do believe that our dreams are gifts of advice presents from the unknown to make us question and think outside of our limited belief patterns. We will dream when we are in need of guidance, and very often our Spirit will connect with the cycles of the Moon to arouse our unconsciousness to a more intense degree. So when the moon is full and you lay fast asleep in your bed, no doubt you are downloading information in the way of a dream. Don’t be afraid to dig deeper into the why and what for when you wake in the morning, for even the darkest dreams provide us with valuable insight.
Much love and devotion
Little Morning Sunshine (blog)The Primary Cause Of Unhappiness
What if we never had to experience another negative thought, what would our existence be like I wonder? Consciousness is a constant battle of warding the Ego away, but better to be aware than not, I fully agree. The art of recognizing your Ego voice above the whispering of your Soul is by far the biggest gift you could ever grant your Self. Once you are able to perceive the indulgences of your mind, in any situation, you are then well informed. With any liable information that is vitally important, we are better able and equipped to make life-altering decisions or any determination for that matter. When it comes to the facts our Ego likes to indulge itself in sludgy grime, like a hog rolling in filthy mud on a sweltering hot day. Drama should be left for the stage with the long red velvet curtains, it has no place in our everyday living. As we move into a new dimensional era, the main theme is compassion, this sentiment is what will allow humans to evolve, there is no evolution for anyone or anything where there is lack of integrity. What causes unhappiness, the answer is found quite easily, ‘we do’, we are the root of our misery and the feeling of not being satisfied. When you find your Self in a state of despair two choices rest on your emotions, one choice might be to engage and lose your Self in the distress of the matter, or the other might be to simply question why. Why is a really good place to start because it pulls us away from the drama and allows us space and time to contemplate and perhaps feel deeper into the meaning of the situation. Everything has something to teach us, which is very good advice indeed. If you find your Self in a state of unhappiness, sorrow or sadness for whatever reason, take in a deep breath and as you slowly exhale begin to change your mind, because it is only your negative mind keeping you feeling this way. Place your trust in the Universe instead of your Ego and see how quickly everything changes for the betterment of your Soul. Become a master of deciphering your Ego mind and you will never be unhappy again.
Much love and devotion
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) Find Your Purpose, Find Your Voice
You are a beautiful creation, a human with an incarnated Soul, you are perfectly imperfect as you are, you’re meant to be a work in progress. Do not be discouraged by the faults you see within your Self, for they are the clues to the perplexity that clouds and baffles your eyes in this tournament of life. You have everything you need to fulfil your purpose. What might my purpose be you may ask your Self, what higher goal did I come to achieve? Perhaps your ambitions this far are moulding you in the right direction to the aspiration that awaits in the future. It is important that you don’t dilute your Self for any person or any reason, the more you weaken the syrup of your Spirit the more you decrease its merit and worth. You are important with a magnificent dose of significance, your integrity is a gift to this world. Your sincerity for the journey you are travelling, the path you have chosen to fulfil your spiritual pursuit will have many undertakings but remember never be anything but your Self, to anyone. Those who do not appreciate your authenticity have no place by your side, saying a gracious goodbye to many Souls that cross your life’s path will be necessary, the reasons will appear in your intuition. Saying farewell to any person, place or thing is no easy feat, so let the tears that roll down your face be a reminder that there are Souls awaiting in the shadows for the empty space now in your aura, it is their time to serve your Spirit now. Life has a way of deceiving us, like a fool we believe in so much that is not true. Our Ego double-crosses us into believing we are less than what we feel we are. Why do we so willingly allow our mind to drag us deep into such lies when we are wise enough to know better? Let this be your task today, be watchful of your Ego voice keep a sharp lookout to what it is saying, become consciously aware of any words that just don’t feel right. And remember passion and purpose go hand in hand, you will know you have reached your destiny when passion truly warms your heart and Soul.
Much love and devotion