Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On February 08
at 3:52 PM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog) Shivering Cold or Sweat On The Brow....... It does not matter where we are in the world, our internal challenges come with us, there is no place to run, no area or space that will provide a release from our Soul work. We are here to evolve whether we like it or not, and believe it or not it is much easier to succumb and embrace the journey than to resist it. Let this statement become your truth, because when you do life becomes easier. Surrendering provides hope, and hope grants us many new consequences which are filled with peace and happiness. We humans don’t like to give in, we are taught to endure at all cost, our free will is stronger than any powerful titanium metal which allows our Ego to flourish and thrive. Our mind is warped with negative patterns of thinking, so abundant are our pessimistic notions about our Self we negate, nullify and deny the very existence that we anything more than what we think. This is far from the truth of who we are, and this truth in us is what we are here to find, have you begun this journey yet? ‘Truth’ you say, ‘what do I know about my truth’? If you are asking your Self this question then you are well on your way, no one asks unless they are consciously aware that there is something else besides what they are at present. Lies are the opposite of truth, where are you telling yourself lies, what has your Ego taught you to believe about your Self, journal your answers. Once you have your list believe nothing that you said about you which is negative, none of us are bad we have simply been conditioned to believe we are not good enough. Ancestral mumbo jumbo that has been handed down to us, like rotten fruit escapes on an assembly line, it is mistakenly packed away and so becomes more putrid and rancid over time. This is what happens to our thoughts, over time our Ego grows the beliefs we have about our Self, those thoughts fester and fester as our life moves on. Truth resists the Ego and so allows us to be alive within our authentic Spirit, a true statement of the purity of who we are. We neglect to embrace that we are all in this together, each and every human on this planet, we are all the same. The colour of our skin, whether our hair is curly or straight, if we are tall or short, it doesn’t matter because what is inside of us is the Soul. The biggest decision of our life is to decide if we are going to have a relationship with our Soul or if we are not. Those who do not then survive on their Ego alone, and alone they will most certainly be. Shivering cold or sweat on your brow the questions are the same, and dear Souls, so are the answers. Much love and devotion Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On February 07
at 3:25 PM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) What Does Panic Look Like? ...... There is a pot in the pit of your belly and something is stirring it with a big wooden spoon, the momentum is building as the ladle stimulates the emotionally charged brew with dramatic intensity. Deep breaths you say to yourself, everything is going to be ok. But you can’t convince yourself that it’s ok, and before you know the rousing inside of you takes over your senses and a feeling of panic is all you know in this moment. No matter how hard you try to control it, it’s too late your mind has taken over with a power so strong you feel as weak as a newborn baby bird. Panic and anxiety are a result of the Ego. It takes our internal energies and uses it against us, or so it thinks. I prefer to see anxiousness in a more positive way. There is no denying that Empaths have a unique supply of vitality, which at times can be overly abundant. While our Soul has been pushing an unhealthy wound energy to the surface, the stagnant potency of the distressful old belief (the wound) has been trying to get your attention by way of increasing the energetic charge inside of you. It is vitally important once you begin to ‘feel’ this energy in you shifting, you get outside for some physical activity. A stroll in the woods, a walk on the beach, the quietness and serenity your activity provides you will assist in you being able to tap into your intuitive nature more readily. When we are able to quiet our Ego mind and be more open to receiving messages from our Soul the more we become privy to what it is our Soul is asking us to pay attention to. Once we are aware of what the old behaviour is (the wound) then we can begin to release the unpleasant energy attached to it, the emotional energy that is causing the panic. What is it that begins to stir the pot in the first place, why do panic and anxiety come on so suddenly and out of nowhere? Synchronicity is a beautiful thing because they are divine communications that bring clues to help us put the puzzle pieces together. Unbeknown to you very likely there has been a wound your Soul has been working you through, behind the scenes sort of speak, to assist in your healing process. There may be a person in your life that is poking at the wound so as to get your attention. Someone from your past has shown up again, or maybe it is your partner or a long time friend that suddenly starts to get on your nerves, the scenarios can vary for each of us, but the message is, someone or something has been provoking your internal energies and they have been building, just like the pot with the wooden spoon. Then suddenly the emotional energy has built up such a momentum it needs to let off steam, just like a kettle when it boils, if we are not paying attention to what has been building inside and if we have not been releasing the overabundant energy in some way (exercise or something to relax our mind) it communicates it’s distress to us by way of anxiousness. Your wound healing energy doesn’t have to cause you to panic or have anxiety, not if you are paying attention to what is happening in your external world to bring focus to your internal world, so you can allow your healing process to flow with ease. We, humans, are here for one reason, to evolve our Soul. This is why we go through periods of internal healing, the healing is our personal evolution. Much love and devotion Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On February 07
at 9:31 AM
Little Morning Sunshine (Blog Where Do I Go From Here...... We as humans forever long affinity. Our acute sense of the need to belong can alienate the wisest and strongest of Souls. Time and space can often make us anxious, when there are cracks within our root, much of what is familiar becomes frightfully unstable causing our mind to expand with thoughts of negative. Where do you belong? People say, ‘you are right where you are because it is where you are supposed to be’! Cliche perhaps are those words, an overused phrase which lacks originality, and maybe integrity. Some might argue, ‘I am where I am because it is where I need to be, not necessarily where I want to be!’. Regardless I suppose, where ever it is your roots have taken to the earth dig your heals in and get to work, there are seeds to be sown, crops of ideas and creatively to nourish so the Soul may be fed and kept well and healthy. It’s not an unusual feeling isolation, quite the contrary, when one feels totally alone in the world strong and bountiful harvests will yield a heavy evolution of your Spirit. Embrace, accept and welcome the uncomfortable, encapsulate your loneliness enclose your Self in a cocoon and trust the Universes majestic powers, it is yours for the taking. The confinement will not last long, the envelope that is protecting you will become unwrapped when the time is perfect, belief in the power that is greater than you are because it resides within you at all times. Loneliness is for those who want nothing more than to feel lonely, the choice is theirs. But you my Beautiful Soul there is much much more for you to indulge in than wondering where you belong, and maybe it isn’t for you to decide after all. Let the energies of the sun and the moon be your internal guide, the push and pull of the cosmic voices may they be loud enough to drown the sound of your Ego mind. You can do this, I know you can, because I feel it, and I want nothing more than for you to be free….just like me. Much love and devotion Annanda

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On February 05
at 5:46 PM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) Go Ahead Don’t Be Afraid....... Tossing around a decision we so desperately want to make can cause us so much pain. Mentally, emotionally and physically we endure symptoms that can be debilitating and draining. Often when we are in a time of spiritual growth our intuition will be heightened, our gut feeling will be trying to tell us one thing, but our Ego will be shouting another. So much confusion can create emotional responses that are more dramatic than we are used to, we get overwhelmed, scared, worried and confused. There is nothing more complicated and perplexed than agonizing over something that every bone in your body knows you need to do, a decision must be made and it must come soon. You can’t go on like this any longer, your energy is depleted and your physical vessel is suffering from the stress, all kinds of symptoms are arising which are causing added worry and unease. Your level of anxiety is at an all-time high, it takes all that you have just to keep yourself calm, your state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension is more than you can bear. Why do we humans mistrust our Self so much, what is it that keeps us locked in our fears? Our conditioned patterns are meant to catch up with us at some point in our life, in other words, there will come a time when our Soul says enough, it is time to get to work. Our soul work is the very reason we came into this life existence, if you are brave enough you will recognize the opportunity to evolve and get to work. Soul work requires us to make life-changing decisions because very likely you are in situations that don’t serve you well. Before we become conscious of our ancestral patterns of conditioned behaviours we follow what we unconsciously believe to be our truth. This truth says nothing about what we think we know is accurately correct. Living in our unconscious ways of thinking and doing keeps us locked in patterns that do not nourish our Soul well. The intention of our Soul work is to release us from those chains of the behaviours that we have inherited so we may discover who we truly are, at the core of our Spirit. This requires us to make difficult decisions, ones that may turn our life as we know it upside down. You can’t have the life you want living the life that you have, it just isn’t so. Trust your intuition, have faith and confidence in what it is trying to speak to you, know without a doubt that it has your best interest at heart, the intuitive natures the main objective is to guide you, protect you and escort you to the life you want for yourself. Make and act on that first decision, don’t be afraid, everything else will fall into place when you do. Satya May You Find Truth Annanda x

Annanda Healing Place
in Tiny
On February 04
at 5:42 PM
Little Morning Sunshine (blog) Stories Told From The Eyes..... A humans eyes tell a lot about who they are. Predestined to tell a story of a karmic journey, it is not by chance or coincidence are the eyes we receive in this incarnation. Eyes are the first thing I see when I gaze at you. Your first glance at me fills my Soul with information, a unique download of particulars like the click of a camera's lens when it captures a reflection. On the surface of every human is an Ego that must uphold a doctrine. In the grip of your mind is a set of beliefs it holds tightly about who you must think you are. But there is no escaping the genuine and authentic narrative your eyes are whispering silently to those who truly see you. Indigo eyes are full of wisdom and deep inner knowing. Their eyes are bright and strong, yet calming. Indigos' eyes speak of an energy that shifts, changes and transforms with each of their intuitive perceptions. Indigos have a warrior Spirit because their collective purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer are of use. A Crystal person eyes lock on and hypnotize you with their all forgiving Souls. Their eyes are large, penetrating and wise beyond years. Blissful and even-tempered are the Crystals aura’s and with eyes that are prismatic, opaline and pearlescent there is no mistaking who they are. Our eyes express our pain, our sorrow and our deep inner feelings, there is nowhere for our eyes to hide. We might try rigidly to keep out of sight, conceal and camouflage what we so desperately want to express but instead, we hold onto our emotions, dreams and wishes and store it all in our eyes. But in any human existence there are times we grant our Self-feelings of great joy, exhilaration and enthusiasm, our eyes shine when we are happy, they smile with ease when we are filled with love. If our eyes are the window to our Soul then it would be our work to keep them clean and open so the wind of life can blow gently and harmoniously on our Spirit. Keep your eyes open to the Universes loving guidance, synchronicity is happening all around you to assist you on your way. Much love and devotion Annanda

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