"Working With Strippers is just part of being an electrician!"

With #TripleTech electricians you won't have to worry about getting zapped" when you change a lightbulb. It's no laughing matter.

We offer services for homeowners, realtors, and property managers looking for a reliable electrical contractor in #Midland and surrounding areas.

We're the company you can trust. We can handle home improvement electrical projects as well as projects for a new home. Call us. We have the power in our hands! 705-333-8324

During the winter, the air in your home can be as dry as the Sahara Desert!

Let's take a look at our latest blog on how using a humidifier to put moisture back into the air can benefit you and your family.


Thinking of installing Geothermal soon?

Geothermal systems provide heating and cooling more evenly than conventional equipment resulting in a significant increase in home comfort, advanced peace of mind, reducing operating costs and much more.

Contact the #experts at #TripleTech 705-333-8324 for more information on the benefits of Geothermal heating!

If your energy bills are unusually high. heating and cooling inefficiencies are generally the culprits.
Here are some simple solutions for making your home more comfortable and less expensive to heat ... and help the environment.


Save on heating bills without scrimping on comfort!

Triple Tech can help with programmable controls and thermostats to meet your family's and your home's schedule and needs. Our team will help you choose the right equipment, handle the installation and show you how to use it!

Call now for more information and to book an appointment at 705-333-8324

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