Tree Staking, Guying and Anchoring



Looking for someone to stake or guy large or small tree's? We have the equipment you need to get the job done, whether it is a 20' Spruce or a 5' Cedar.

We use Earth Anchors, Speed Stakes, Wooden Stakes, Bamboo Stakes, Fiberglass Stakes, Steel Stakes, T Stakes.

We use only the best tree tie including Tree Webbing, Tree Straps, Wire, Sisal and Plastic Twine.

Do you have a tree that has blown over or leaning from windy weather. We can straighten that tree out and stake it until the roots have a chance to re-establish themselves.

Please contact us for rate and availability.

Serving Barrie, Newmarket, Midland, Innisfil, Alliston, Bradford, Collingwood, Wasaga Beach,Vaughan,Orillia, Muskoka, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst,  Georgian Bay, King City, York region, Tree Movers GTA, Tiny Township, Angus,  Tay Township, Severn Township, Tottenham, Bolton, Caledon, Mount Forest, Shelburne, Stayner, Oro Medonte, Horseshoe Valley, Craighurst, Blue Mountains, Thornbury, Clarksburg, Minesing, Springwater Township, Utopia, Anton Mills, Mt. Albert, Keswick, Pefferlaw, Georgina, Brechin, Loretto, Shelburne, Whitchurch- Stoufville   and more. Offering Tree Spade Services in Ontario

Before you consider a Tree Spade Rental for your project in Ontario contact us,


Date Added 2013-12-01
Product Id 10201964