Tree Re-location for Forestry Management and "Juglone" Producing Tree's


Do you have a long term sustainable forestry plan in place? Does this require the moving and relocating of tree's that have either outgrown their original environment, do you have walnut tree's or other "juglone"producing tree's such as Black walnut, pecan, hickory and others members of the family including Carya, Engelhardtia, Juglans, Platycarya and Pterocarya that require transplanting do to their production of the toxic "juglone"

Horses and ponies can contract acute laminitis, an inflammation of the foot, where black walnut wood chips or sawdust is used for stall bedding. Acute laminitis and high respiratory rates in horses and ponies has also been reported where stables and paddocks are located too close to walnut trees. Pollen shedding from walnut trees can cause allergic reactions in people and horses.

Husks of fallen walnuts can become toxic to livestock, and lethal to dogs if ingested due to a mycotoxin called 'Penitrim A', which is produced by Penicillium mould. Therefore, walnut nuts showing symptoms of decomposition, such as a brown or black rotten appearance in the husks, may leak toxin into the kernels and are not fit for human consumption.

We can move your tree's to another location within your property or relocate to an alternate piece of land away from the animals and plants.  

Serving Barrie, Newmarket, Midland, Innisfil, Alliston, Bradford, Collingwood, Wasaga Beach,Vaughan,Orillia, Muskoka, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst,  Georgian Bay, King City, York region, Tree Movers GTA, Tiny Township, Angus,  Tay Township, Severn Township, Tottenham, Bolton, Caledon, Mount Forest, Shelburne, Stayner, Oro Medonte, Horseshoe Valley, Craighurst, Blue Mountains, Thornbury, Clarksburg, Minesing, Springwater Township, Utopia, Anton Mills, Mt. Albert, Keswick, Pefferlaw, Georgina, Brechin, Loretto, Shelburne, Whitchurch- Stoufville   and more. Offering Tree Spade Services in Ontario

Before you consider a Tree Spade Rental for your project in Ontario contact us,


"Juglone" Producing Tree Relocating
Date Added 2013-03-24
Product Id 10131724