Non-Profit And Charity Filing Services


Filing requirements for not-for-profit organizations and charities can often be confusing. In a world where filing requirements are ever-increasing, it is critical to have knowledgeable professionals by your side.

Non-Profit Organizations

Non-profit organizations are required to file a T2 Corporation Income Tax Return and a Non-Profit Organization Information Return on an annual basis within six months of their year end. We take care of this process from start to finish for several non-profit organizations in the Georgian Bay area. Whether you manage a small or large non-profit organization, we provide an affordable solution so you can rest easy knowing your information filings are correct and filed on time.


Charities are required to file a Registered Charity Information Return on an annual basis within six months of their year end. This return includes information regarding your financial statements and board of directors and can become more complex depending on the transactions undertaken by the charity during the fiscal period.

Canada Revenue Agency monitors spending habits of registered charities through a filing requirement referred to as the disbursement quota. The purpose of the disbursement quota is to ensure that most of a registered charity’s funds are used towards charitable activities and to discourage accumulating funds. In the case your charity is administering a capital campaign or raising significant funds for a future project, SPH can ensure your charity continues to meet its disbursement quota requirements.

Contact a professional today to meet your filing needs.


Date Added 2014-11-07
Product Id 10264610