Do you still have to do your taxes?
The team at Grant Thornton LLP are highly trained tax specialists that are here to guide you through the labyrinth of income tax, GST, provincial sales tax and harmonized sales tax laws.
Find out more by giving us a call today at 705-527-6555!
Have you or someone you know recently turned 60?
If so, there are several opportunities to move forward or defer government pension payments, as well as take advantage of tax savings opportunities.
Contact Grant Thornton LLP to learn more today! 705-527-6555
There are many family owned properties in the Georgian Bay area that are owned by non-residents.
We have been providing assistance to those non-residents selling their properties for over 20 years. We can advise you on minimizing the taxes on such sales or transfers, applying for clearance certificates from Canada Revenue Agency and more.
Contact us today to learn more 705.527.6555!
Filing requirements for not-for-profit organizations and charities can often be confusing.
In a world where filing requirements are ever-increasing, it is critical to have knowledgeable professionals by your side. Trust the professionals at Grant Thornton LLP, we provide an affordable solution so you can rest easy knowing your information filings are correct and filed on time.
Contact us today by calling 705-527-6555!
Often all that a company requires is sound business advice, preparation of financial statements and corporate tax filings.
Whether it's cleaning up your accounting records, compiling financial statements or filing your corporate income tax return, we can help.
At Grant Thornton LLP, we thrive on compiling information in readable formats to help you make sensible business decisions. Contact us today at 705.527.6555!