About Us
4th Midland Scouting was established Oct. 31, 1958 at St. Paul's United Church. For the past approximately 15 years Scouting has been co-ed. 4th Midland Scouting offers all five sections of Scouting and all of them run out of St. Paul's. The five levels of Scouting include Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers.All our leaders are required to pass a Police Record Check, Reference Check and a Personal Interview before becoming a leader. At least one member from each section will hold a current first aid/CPR certificate. Scouts Canada provides continuous training for all registered leaders.
• For boys and girls ages 5-7
• Meetings are Mondays from 6:30-7:30 PM
• Contact: Leader Melanie McDonald, 526-1577
• Beavers offer the youth an opportunity to participate in a variety of activites such as baking, arts and crafts, games, singing, stories, guest speakers and an outing once a month
• For boys and girls aged 8-10
• Meeting are Mondays from 7:00-8:30 PM
• Contact: Leader (Akela) Barry McDonald, 526-1577
• Cubs was initiated from Rudyard Kipling's "Jungle Book" with the leaders taking a name from the book.It is based on a badge and star program. At Cubs the nightly meetings usually involve learning some skills from the many components of the program. Activities include games, hiking, camping, guest speakers, crafts, etc. Whenever possible the cubs are out in the community experiencing "hands on" activities. Many of the badges can be earned by doing activities around the house, so a youth can work at a pace they are comfortable with. The promise of a Cub is to try and do a "Good Turn" everyday.
• For boys and girls aged 11-13
• Meetings are Wednesdays from 7:00 - 9:00 PM
• Contact: Leader Brigitte Johnson 528-0121
• One of the focuses for Scouts is survival of the out of doors. Scouting provides and opportunity to learn about the environment, surving the elements and being prepared for whatever situation may come your way. Activities can include outdoor cooking, first aid, hiking, camping, canoeing, orienteering, etc. Scouting allows the youth to develop leadership skills by planning their own program and then implementing it. Scouting is also based around a badge merit program, and challenges the youth to strive to earn a variety of awards. Once again each youth can work at a level they are comfortable at
• A coed program for young adults aged 14-17
• Meetings: Thursday from 7:00-9:00 PM
• Contact: Advisor Terry Crawford, 526-3724
• Venturers are responsible for running their own program under the guidance of an advisor. They write their own bylaws, manage their own finances, create their own activities. Venturers are involved in reaching out to the other sections of Scouting and they assist in running an activity whenever possible. It is here that the youth start to develop a sense of community. Socialization is a key factor for this age and they spend many a weekend attending a variety of camps. They continue to fine tune the outdoor skills they have developed from the previous years in activities such as canoeing and camping
• A coed program for men and women aged 18 - 26
• Meetings: the meeting nights vary; call contact leader for dates and times
• Contact: Advisor Alex Seaborn 533-0140
• Rovers tend to focus on the community and offer their services wherever needed. They also initiate activites they see fit into the community. 4th Midland Rovers and Venturers have been instrumental in helping the local MS Walk. They organize and run the barbecuing of the food, run the different check points and set up other things related to the walk. They also run winter camps for other Venturers and Rovers; this allows youth from around the province to come and ahve the opportunity to meet with other youth. One of the mandates of the camp is to provide community service work to a local organization within our community.
Group Committee
• Consists of one leaader from each section, our treasurer, secretary, registrar, quartermaster and group commissioner.
• Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month
• Contact: Katherine Faulkner, Group Commissioner, 528-0433
• Our meetings consist of monitoring the running of the different sections, coordinating of fund raising, approval of the different activities, registering of new leaders, monitoring of the camping equipment and any concerns or matter that need to be addressed
Kathering Faulkner
Group Commissioner
4th Midland Scouting
"Building the Future of the World through our Youth"
If you are not giving, then you are not living