Having guests to the cottage this weekend? Find out how to keep things cool and calm with our latest blog. We cover topics to avoid at the bonfire, sleeping arrangements and much more!https://zurl.co/Xy22

Whether you're looking for a place to hang your hat on the weekends or a new business venture in the tourism industry, Rob Heming can help you live the life you've always dreamed of. Get started on your next adventure today. Call Rob at 705-321-4924.

Currently operating as Woodhaven Country Lodge, this truly unique property has a total of 15 bedrooms & 10 bathrooms on Sandy Lake.The lodge features a full-service kitchen, pantry, servery, living room, dining room, den, games room, library & more.https://zurl.co/7e1e

Come home to Penetanguishene!Choose from 2 gorgeous family homes overlooking Penetanguishene Bay from Robert Street West!See all the details here and call Rob Heming for your showing at 705-321-4924https://zurl.co/0vyw

Whether you're looking for a rustic recreational property, a deluxe family compound or a tourism business opportunity, Rob Heming can help you find your happy place!

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