WellSwept Chimneys in Victoria Harbour
On August 20 at 9:25 AM
So what about system at Farlain Lake? So how was the chimney you ask? Well it did need cleaning.. in fact the pipes were almost completely blocked with creosote deposits. Pipes and chimney had maybe 20mm or so deposits! Stove was cleaned and inspected as was rest of system - another reason of hiring a WETT Certified Chimney Sweep. Call today. https://rawchimney.com

WellSwept Chimneys in Victoria Harbour
On August 19 at 8:28 PM
Cleaned a system this past week in Tiny, near Farlain Lake. Customer did not know if chimney needed cleaning or not, as several friends had told him that he did not need it. He did burn 4 cords and I can tell you that anybody who burns 4 cords a years needs to have system cleaned! But this s So how was it? Well check next post! https://rawchimney.com

WellSwept Chimneys in Victoria Harbour
On July 31 at 8:05 PM
So what is a cleaning of a wood burning system? Well some call it a Chimney Sweep or Chimney Cleaning. Well, rightfully so.. that is what they hear. So clean the chimney!! Right!!?? Well, no... Well, actually yes.. but that is not all you clean. I inspected a woodstove recently, and as part of inspection I always ask if they know when last cleaned. She said it had been cleaned this spring by her husband. Okay, great! But during a WETT Inspection I always take apart the stove, part of doing an inspection properly! What! Your inspector did not do that.. hmm.. another blog topic (but find a better inspector). So, I took the baffle down as part of the inspection and wow..!! A full 2 inches of deposits were on that baffle in places.. perhaps six to eight cups in total. And the system was cleaned? Well looking further the pipes were dirty with deposits as well!!! So, he may have pushed a rod and brush up and down in chimney.. but THAT IS NOT CLEANING! How many people risk their lives trying to save a few pennies by doing a job and not doing it right. Problem is the deposits on the baffle are closest to the fire.. and if the stove is working properly a secondary fire can and does burn on the baffle in many stoves. If one ignited up in this one there were many deposits (and flammable ones as well as I took outside and lit with a lighter to demonstrate). Once they ignite the deposits in the stove pipes are next.. and there was more than enough there.. only 2mm are needed to sustain a chimney fire. Please protect yourself.. call a Certified Sweep.. don't cheap out and call a friend or the lowest priced person who may not be certified. Protect yourself and don't cheap out and try to do it yourself.. unless you REALLY DO KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW. Sad part is as in many things we really don't know what we don't know.. we think we know!!.. and often are WRONG!! Get Peace of Mind! Call a Certified Chimney Sweep.

WellSwept Chimneys in Victoria Harbour
On July 31 at 7:37 PM
IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!! RIGHT?? Met somebody today who said Chimney Sweeping was not rocket science. And they are right in a sense as it is not. Having said that, there is a whole lot more to it than the average person understand or expects. It is a whole lot more than simply pushing a brush down a chimney, more about that on another blog! In fact a Certified Sweep knows far more, far more than any installer of wood burning systems. More about how the systems work, more about the proper design, more about how the wood burns as a fuel and the deposits it creates, more about the science behind the combustion and more about the risks and hazards. Why? Well partly to educate the customer, which frankly NO installation companies seem to do?! Frankly most installers are negligent in their work. But there is more.. still more. Yes educating the customer is important. But so is ensuring they do a proper job!!.. as yes it is FAR MORE than pushing soot down the chimney. And finally to complete and pass their certification. You see installers are not certified, do not take many extensive courses and frankly are really often underqualified for the work they perform. But that is how it is.. so yes it is not rocket science but it is far more than simply cleaning a chimney. Call to find out more.

WellSwept Chimneys in Victoria Harbour
On July 15 at 3:06 PM
What Are The Signs You Need A Chimney Sweep It is wonderful to own a fireplace or woodstove, the warmth and ambiance it adds to a room can not be replaced with any other heating system. However, you do need to maintain it and keep safe. Part of that maintenance is inspection and cleaning. Both covered under the Ontario Fire Code - which stipulates an annual inspection is necessary on any/all wood burning systems. But what about cleaning? Well in simple terms the Fire Code dictates a chimney fire can burn with 2mm of deposits and that it is mandatory to have it cleaned with 3mm of deposits. But that is still not terribly helpful. Here are some guidelines. #1: You Don’t Know the Last Time It Was Cleaned! This is a scary one, but surprisingly one that I run into all the time. Chimney fires occur due to build up within the chimney, and a tiny spark or enough heat can ignite those deposits and make a very dangerous and nasty situation. If you really don't know when it was last cleaned and inspected then call today! #2: You’ve Heard Something Inside The Chimney. It may be birds, squirrels or racoons. The chimney will need to be cleaned because there will no doubt be debris inside the chimney that is a fire hazard. One of the reasons for an annual inspection is to ensure these are not present. #3: You’ve Noticed Cracks or Sealing Issues In The Chimney Visually inspect the chimney. The sooner you deal with these problems the less costly it will be down the road. Don't delay do it today. Most masons do not seal the bricks of the chimney as it costs more in materials and the chimney does not last as long if it is not sealed. However it inevitably ends up costing money when not sealed, which sadly to say is more often than not done by the Chimney Sweep. #4: You Are Selling or Have Just Bought the Home Always get it inspected - the NFPA 211 says a Level 2 Inspection is necessary during any real estate transaction. This involves looking inside the chimney. This is not a 20 minute inspection.. it takes time.. but is worth that peace of mind! Also over 80% of all systems that I have seen during real estate transaction need cleaning. Also, you may save yourself a lot of money and potential grief if you call a Chimney Sweep for that inspection and get it done right! WETT has a entry level Inspector known as SITE Basic - who is only able to do Level 1 inspection - however when they have done inspections on systems and I have cleaned afterward.. sadly to say as many as 20-25% of them have problems the inspector did not find! And sometimes obvious ones like holes in the stove pipes or refractory bricks completely missing from woodstove! Get the peace of mind a Chimney Sweep can bring. #5 You Use As Primary or Secondary Heat - And Have Not Cleaned Since Last Season If you use your stove frequently, as a rule of thumb two to three full cords of good wood burned properly, you need a cleaning of system. If it is not optimal wood and burning practices this may even be more frequently than that! For most users this means at least ONE cleaning per year.

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