People in Pink Painting in Midland
On October 18 at 9:03 AM
5 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Professional Painter

1. Do You Provide Free Project Estimates?
2. Can I See Your Business Credentials?
3. Can You Provide Examples of Past Work or Reviews?
4. Do You Offer a Warranty on Workmanship?
5. What Kind of Painting Prep Do You Do?

Contact #PeopleInPink for a free, no-obligation quote on your painting and other small renovation jobs. We'd love to help you!
#ResidentialPainters #CommercialPainters
Phone: 705-937-0037

People in Pink Painting in Midland
On October 13 at 4:02 PM
Phone: 705-937-0037

People in Pink Painting in Midland
On October 10 at 12:02 PM
"Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other."

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

People in Pink Painting in Midland
On October 08 at 3:01 PM
Let your Home Shine!
Your home is your quaint little paradise amidst the bustling city. And, it deserves care every now and then. When you are looking for home renovations that do not break the bank, consider focusing on a single aspect of your living space. If you feel that the kitchen deserves attention, it is not necessary to change it completely. You can simply change the backsplash, paint the cabinet or polish the floors to make it appear fresh.

So, next time you want to spruce up your place, think of small things that can help you create big impact.

#PeopleInPink #Midland can help you #LetYourHomeShine.
Inquire now for your free quote!

People in Pink Painting in Midland
On October 04 at 11:28 AM

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