About Us
Welcome to the Penetang Wine Cellar.
Established in 1992,we have built a reputation on customer service and high
quality wine with RJ Spagnols as our exclusive must (juice) provider. RJ
Spagnols has 8 different qualities to choose from and over 150 different types.
As yourself making the wine you can choose if you like it to be sweet or dry,
oaked or not. You get what you like! We specialize in wine making with
professional advice by Adam Campbell, manager for 8 years now owner as of
January 2012. The process at the Penetang Wine Cellar is very easy. You start
with picking your batch (23 liters) taking just 5 minutes to prepare the juice
and start fermentation. The next 4 to 8 weeks we meticulously monitor your
wine, stabilizing, filtering and getting it ready for when you return to
bottle. Bottling is made very easy and convenient with our automatic washing,
bottling, and corking machines. Our clean relaxing environment can be enjoyed
with family or friends as well. All our wine is ready to be consumed when
bottled but you will be rewarded if you let it age for the appropriate time. We
have economical wedding packages available with bottles, seals, and
personalized labels. Open 6 days a week, late on Wednesdays. We can’t wait to
get you started.