Organizing Made Simple in Midland
On March 07 at 11:15 AM
It's back! For the next 40 days consider removing items from your home that you no longer use or need and donate to those who could use them. #fortybagsinfortydays This is a great way to observe lent, feel refreshed and give back to your local community. Who's in? #organizeanddeclutter #lent #givingback #professionalorganizer

Organizing Made Simple in Midland
On January 29 at 11:33 AM
It takes some time initially but I will say it time and time again, file folding is a game changer. #seewhatyouhave #organizeddrawers #organizedlife #wardrobe

Organizing Made Simple in Midland
On November 14 at 4:39 PM
We have all been here... It's important to be realistic about your linens. Having multiple sets of sheets you never use, the fancy only for guest towels and all the extra blankets that simply sit in the closet only create clutter. Go though the space honestly, donate, reduce and simplify. #linenclosetorganization #beforeandafter #usethegoodstuff

Organizing Made Simple in Midland
On March 10 at 10:55 AM
Feeling overwhelmed by "stuff" and don't know where to start, I can help! Organizing Made Simple offers a variety of organizing services to help you reduce stress and simplify your life. Contact Organizing Made Simple for your complimentary consultation today! - (705) 543-1190

Organizing Made Simple in Midland
On February 06 at 12:53 PM
A boy and his toys. ?? Using clear containers is a great way for your little ones to see their stuff and help them find what they are looking for without creating unnecessary mess. Also great for establishing a clean up routine when everything has a “home."

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