About Us
Experience No Borders!
The No Borders Approach
Fitness now has this growing reputation of being complicated and boring. This negative approach to fitness starts you off in a battle between what you think you can do and the challenge ahead of you.
Featuring the following fitness classes: ZUMBA, H.I.T Bootcamp, Core Classes, ZUMBA Specialty programs, Balls Up Classes, youth programs, and much more!
Personal Training
Group Fitness not your cup of tea? One on one sessions are a beneficial way to get started with a new workout program, maintain your goals, and also keep you motivated and surpass the goals you set out for yourself. Working one on one with a trainer has been proven to help achieve your goals faster -it is a client based, "only you" mentality behind your fitness goals and expectations.
Contact Becky Graham for further rate details for personal training in-home or at the Midland Sports and Recreation Centre.