About Us

Experience No Borders!

The No Borders Approach

Fitness now has this growing reputation of being complicated and boring. This negative approach to fitness starts you off in a battle between what you think you can do and the challenge ahead of you.

No Borders main mission is to simplify, encourage, and bring the fun back into fitness programs. By being present, leaving the "I can't" at the door, and killing all the doubt you had in previous exercises programs is what No Borders Fitness & Wellness is striving to do - bring the YOU back into your own exercise beat!

Featuring the following fitness classes: ZUMBA, H.I.T Bootcamp, Core Classes, ZUMBA Specialty programs, Balls Up Classes, youth programs, and much more! 

Personal Training

Group Fitness not your cup of tea? One on one sessions are a beneficial way to get started with a new workout program, maintain your goals, and also keep you motivated and surpass the goals you set out for yourself. Working one on one with a trainer has been proven to help achieve your goals faster -it is a client based, "only you" mentality behind your fitness goals and expectations.
Contact Becky Graham for further rate details for personal training in-home or at the Midland Sports and Recreation Centre.