Camp Kitchikewana 2024

Hope you all had a great summer!

It's almost back to school time which means Camp Kitchikewana is around the corner.

We are happy to announce that Dylan Lalande is Camp Director this year and our wonderful chef Chelsey will again be providing our culinary delights.

We are looking for a commitment for this year's volunteers!!!

This year we will be working on the Arts & Craft Building. In the past we have painted, repaired the exterior boards, re-shingled the roof and built a deck. Now we are renovating to include 2 new entrances, replace 9 windows and building an enclosed screened in porch on the existing deck. We will also be painting and sanding a number of cabins.

If we are successful in finding a donated canoe we will construct a new washstand on the other side of the camp. We have committed to doing this but need your help.

If you have a canoe that you can DONATE we need to hear from you as soon as possible.

Please reach out to Arlene Plaxton by phone/text/email (705) 790-6632 so the camp can prepare for food and transportation.

Parking will be at the Honey Harbour Boat Club and the parking costs will be covered by the camp.

We look forward to hearing from you.

We all hope your summer was full of excitement and well needed rest.
Are you ready to get back to doing business in September??
Our next DINNER MEETING is slated for September 25th
And will go EVERY LAST WEDNESDAY again until break in July 2025
See YOU there!! and since you already pay for the meals with your membership, why not send a staff member for dinner and socializing if you cannot be there??

As we all now should be aware, the Midland Home Hardware has acquired new owners. The Mateff family has finally decided to retire !! [Like Kevin can let go LOL :-) ]
So they are inviting their friends to say goodbye on June 13th

The Mateff Retirement Party
Kevin & Keith, Wendy & Elizabeth
Thursday June 13th at the Midland Legion
from 7:00 - 10:00 pm
Come & Enjoy Great Memories & Lively Conversation
Excellent Food & Live Entertainment
Cash Bar (Cash only - no debit or cards)
Hope to 'See you there'!

Hello Everyone, this is your reminder!
MPDBA Dinner Meeting at Quality Inn (corner of King & Hwy 12)
Wednesday May 29, 2024
5:30 pm Networking & Cocktails
6:30 pm Meeting called to order
10 Minute Presentation: North Simcoe Chapter Habitat for Humanity – Cate Root
7:00 pm Dinner Buffet
7:40 pm Guest Speaker, Jessica Ciaramella - Places4Students
8:00 pm Q & A
8:30 Adjourn
Austin's infamous Toonie Draw – Don't forget to bring a Toonie
50/50 Draw - $5 for One ticket, $10 for Three
Business Card Draw – Winner receives feature in an upcoming Newsletter
RSVP: or 705-543-9949
Cheers Teresa

Interested in Sponsorship in our Community.
Well look n farther than our own Builders Assoc Annual Golf Tournament [in memory of John Weel]
Tournament info to follow

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