Welcome to our BRAND NEW MEMBERS who attended our September meeting-- Glad to have you aboardlET ME INTRODUCE TO YOU.......Deluxe/NEBS Tom Lieper----------------------Vintage Locksmiths Rick Moore----------- AND The Home Depot Midland- Tanya Lawrie/Alexandra Bourne

www.mpdbuilders.com/Content/Newsletters/read all about us

Z462-18 Workplace Electrical Safety NEW EDITION! This Standard specifies requirements for and provides guidance on safety management systems, safe work procedures, and selection of personal protective equipment and other safety devices for persons exposed to hazards associated with energized electrical equipment. In addition, this Standard sets out criteria for the identification and training of qualified electrical workers and for determination of hazardous work to be performed only by those qualified individuals. Top 10 Changes to Know in the 2018 Edition • Further to the risk-based approach to safety, safety controls must be developed and prioritized based on documented risk assessments. • Requirements for condition of maintenance, periodic inspections, and program auditing have been added to the section on electrical safety programs. • The hierarchy of control is now mandatory with a new requirement that makes hazard elimination the first priority in the implementation of safety-related work practices. • Electrical safety programs are now required to include the investigation of “near miss” incidents. • The minimum threshold for potentially-hazardous energy has been reduced from 50V to 30V. • The process for shock risk assessment is now aligned with the arc flash risk assessment process. • Arc blast is now recognized as a category of electrical hazards. • The table on the selection of clothing and other PPE has been moved from Annex H to the criteria on arc flash risk assessment, making it part of the mandatory requirements. • The table on arc flash hazard identification is now affiliated with the arc flash risk assessment. • All training and auditing requirements have been relocated to Clause 4.1, following the establishment of an electrical safety program. buy it here https://www.orderline.com/z462-18-workplace-electrical-safety?utm_campaign=79297_Z462-18%20and%20CEC&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Orderline&dm_i=45T9,1P6P,250UDX,6H59,1

https://ideas.ted.com/how-to-introduce-yourself-so-youll-be-unforgettable-in-a-good-way/ A GREAT ARTICLE

Hello Everyone, Sorry for the late newsletter .................. PLEASE note: The Dinner Meeting on September 26 will be held at Brooklea Golf & CC DONT FORGET THE KITCHI CHARITY WEEKEND

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