The New Directories are outvisit our website at to see the directory before we get you a copy!!

PLEASE mark your calendar:Wednesday June 26th MPDBA Annual BBQWenneker Woodworks - 9000 Hwy 93 Midland5:00 pm networking & cocktails (BYOB)Entertainment by Adriene Robitaille 6:00 - 6:30 pm BBQ Steak & Chicken Dinner (with all the trimmings) RAIN or SHINEPlease bring a Lawn ChairRSVP very important (If you have not already) to assure we have sufficient Food

KEEP FRIDAY JULY 5 OPEN FOR OUR 18TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENTIn support of the John Weel Memorial Scholarship Finds that provides Bursaries for youths/students engaging in the Trades.Pre-Apprenticeships at Robbert Hartog at Georgian College CampusHave YOU registered yet??call 705-543-9949

As well as listening To Barbara Lowe as our Guest Speaker. The May meeting is also our World Famous [and quick] AGM. Lets see you all there. And don't forget to visit our FACEBOOK PAGE [Like us to get the info that is posted] and TWITTER accounts

Come see our lively group. This month on March 27th we will Hear From Kevin Leonard on SECURITY. With all the recent break-ins in our Town and Neighbouring Towns. This is a MUST attend event. How Secure Are YOU ???

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