About Us

Kunu (pronounced: Koo-Noo) is a creative video production company located in Midland, Ontario, Canada. At Kunu, we use our advanced training and experience along with professional production techniques and equipment to create stunning high definition video for your business or organization. We also produce entertainment films, such as music videos and documentaries, that are freely shared online through YouTube.

Kunu was started by Nate Lacroix in 2009. Nate was born and raised in Midland & Penetang and has been interested in the film industry since childhood. He was always curious about the behind-the-scenes operations of movies and fascinated by the illusions filmmakers could create before his eyes. Inspired to pursue his dreams, Nate went on to complete the Media Arts program at Sheridan College. Finally, after nearly 10 years working for other production companies and producers, Nate decided it was time to start his own company.

People often ask about the strange name. Nate wanted something that would reflect his personality. It had to be something unique, simple and positive. The name “Kunu” was created to represent the influence of the ‘Aloha Spirit’, a concept that Nate brings to all of his work. The Aloha Spirit is the name for the attitude of friendly acceptance for which the Hawaiian Islands are known for. It also refers to a powerful way to resolve any problem, to accomplish any goal, and to achieve any state of mind or body that you desire.

If you are interested in discussing a video project please feel free to contact us with any questions.