Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On June 26 at 8:58 AM
Want to jumpstart your legacy? Join our team of Financial Associates at Experior Financial Group and build your business your way! We offer exciting advancement opportunities and resources to help you succeed in the financial industry. Don't wait to start living the life you want. https://buff.ly/31JPGm2 #ExperiorFinancialGroup #FinancialAssociates #JumpstartYourLegacy #YourBusinessYourWay
Want to know more? Message me!

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On June 23 at 11:20 AM
Embrace the tough challenges, for they build lasting confidence that will shape your career. #success #leadership #experior

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On June 22 at 2:06 PM
How to Take Better Breaks at Work, According to Research

Taking periodic work breaks throughout the day can boost well-being and performance, but far too few of us take them regularly

Clink link to read the article:

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On June 22 at 12:00 PM
The great global baby bust is under way

How paramount the future is to the present, when one is surrounded by children," wrote Charles Darwin in 1852, reflecting on his own parenthood. If he saw current birth rates, he might reconsider: it is not the throng of kids that would make him think about his dotage, but the lack of them. Across the world, birth rates are declining more rapidly than expected.

Click the link to learn more:

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On June 22 at 12:00 PM
We see a flood of tax returns to be completed in July. Why? They haven't filed and their benefits are cut off as a result. File your returns to reinstate your benefits. Benefits like the Canadian Child Benefit (CCB). Don't need the CCB right away? Let me work with you to put it to work for your childs future education. #tax #education #future

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