Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On August 03 at 2:16 PM
Are you a small business owner with a handful of employees? Are you a medium sized business owner with several dozen employees? Are you self employed doing it all by yourself? Whatever your situation there is a need for benefits coverage. Flexible and Custom Plans are available. #Experior #Benefits #healthinsurance #dental #dentalinsurance #single #individual #family #group #flexible #healthspendingaccount #TraditionalPlans

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On August 03 at 2:16 PM
My job is to ask you about life insurance. Please don't make it my job to tell your family you didn't have any.
#insurance #lifeinsurance #criticalillnessinsurance #disabilityinsurance #healthinsurance #dentalinsurance #travelinsurance #gauranteedissue #keypersoninsurance #buysellagreements #loanprotection #supervisainsurance #childrensinsurance #personalinsurance #businessinsurance

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On August 03 at 2:16 PM
Life insurance is the LAST thing people want to talk about, but it's the FIRST thing people check for when a loved one dies. My JOB is to ask you about life insurance. Please DON'T make it my job to tell your family you didn't have any.
#insurance #lifeinsurance #criticalillnessinsurance #disabilityinsurance #healthinsurance #dentalinsurance #travelinsurance #gauranteedissue #keypersoninsurance #buysellagreements #loanprotection #supervisainsurance #childrensinsurance #personalinsurance #businessinsurance

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On August 03 at 2:16 PM
Today, Wednesday August 2nd, I will be at Rooted in Midland, Ontario. 349 King Street, Unit 4 (behind Mr Sub). Pop on by and let's chit chat over a coffee. Let's get rooted at Rooted.

Experior Financial Group - Michael Smith in Midland
On July 28 at 9:54 AM
This coming Wednesday August 2nd I will be at Rooted in Midland, Ontario. 349 King Street, Unit 4 (behind Mr Sub). Pop on by and let's chit chat over a coffee. Let's get rooted at Rooted.

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