Support local women in business!
At, you will also find a comprehensive listing of local restaurants, service and retail providers, current deals & coupons, online gift certificates and more.
To further advance your
presence in the community, we encourage you to claim your complimentary business
profile on also. This will also give you access to essential promotional tools and
features for growing your local business!
- SHOWCASE YOUR EVENTS: ShopMidland gives you the opportunity to promote your local events on their Community Calendar for enhanced visibility and networking opportunities. BONUS: All local events from their Community Calendar are also featured on the MDBWA website Community Events page. Talk about added exposure!
- BUY & SELL ONLINE 24/7: ShopMidland's e-commerce system allows local businesses to promote and sell online via a local community marketplace. You may also activate online gift certificate sales for your business simply by connecting a PayPal account!
- SHARE REVIEWS: Show support for fellow MDBWA women in business by sharing your positive experiences and testimonials online via their community business profile on Ask them to return the favour!
At MDBWA, we help support our
members by shopping locally as often as possible! Let's join together to help
Midland become a more vibrant, sustainable
Women achieving great things together!
Date Added | 2013-02-20 |
Product Id | 10125746 |