Dentistry at Lifestyles in Midland
On March 26 at 1:20 PM
Dentistry at Lifestles offers dental implants! Missing a tooth or several teeth? Dr. Augimeri can help you restore the function of your smile with dental implants in Midland. Call us today at (705) 527-7772 to get started!

Dentistry at Lifestyles in Midland
On March 17 at 9:57 AM
The team here at Dentistry at Lifestyles wants to wish you all a safe and happy St.Patrick's day today!

Dentistry at Lifestyles in Midland
On March 12 at 10:25 AM
Did you know you have to clean your toothbrush? You should also be switching your tooth brushes out for new ones every couple months. For more helpful tips, visit us at 701 King Street in Midland or call to book an appointment (705) 527-7772.

Dentistry at Lifestyles in Midland
On March 06 at 9:53 AM
If you want to maintain strong teeth for your lifetime, you need to ensure you are eating enough whole grain breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables and lean meats. Click here to learn more: or visit Dentistry at Lifestyles, 701 King Street in Midland!

Dentistry at Lifestyles in Midland
On February 26 at 1:44 PM
Don't forget to keep up with regular cleaning by your dentist. Call us today at (705) 527-7772 to book and appointment for a fresh new cleaning.

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