About Us
Larmand Brothers Painting Inc.
Our crew are all professional painters with years of experience with the company. They are all extremely talented but, more importantly, have a great attitude. You will enjoy having them in your home or business for any interior or exterior painting project.
Here at Larmand Brothers Painting Inc., our goal is to work closely with our clients to determine and create an environment that is a reflection of their tastes - whether it is a single room or an entire home. We believe in open communication as a key to achieving your desired results. And we pride ourselves on meeting budget and scheduling requirements.
Fully insured and WSIB compliant gives our clients peace of mind.
We do off site priming and painting or staining of interior and exterior trim, siding, doors etc. for your convenience.
1 (705) 526-3919 CELL 1 (705) 627-0748
trichardsecord@rogers.com www.trichardsecord.com
Dear Valued Customer
I am writing to let you know that I have sold my business ‘T. Richard Secord Painting & Decorating’ because I have retired.
The value in the business is created through the support of customers like yourselves, and so I have worked hard to ensure that the on-going business recognises that customer support and satisfaction are embedded in the ongoing culture.
The new owners I am sure you are quite familiar with. Mike and Mark Larmand. Two of my most loyal and experienced employees have taken over the helm. They both recognize that the price they are paying includes a premium for the goodwill that has been created through our good relationships with our existing customers and so they are keen to ensure that they protect that value by working hard to keep existing customers happy.
They appreciate the business, understand how to operate it properly and are keen and capable of developing its future potential.
I will be available throughout the transition to ensure a smooth transfer. So its “Business as Usual” for you, our valued customer, and we are seeking your feedback to identify how additional customer value can be created. You can contact me anytime at trichardsecord@rogers.com or 1-705-627-0748.
The remaining employees of the business support the sale and are positive about the future under the new management.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude for your continued support in the past and hopefully for years to come for Mike and Mark Larmand.
Mike and Mark will be carrying on business under the name of Larmand Brothers Painting Inc. They will continue to operate out of the shop located at 765 Balm Beach Rd and can be reached directly at 705-526-3919..
T. Richard Secord