About Us

  The name of the school means “ Old school place “ . The focus of the training is on self defence which  was the focus of karate training in the “old days “ . While we may use some warm up drills common in “sport karate” we are not training for competition and while competition has its benefits  that is not our goal  . The base of our karate techniques come from a Japanese style “Shito Ryu “ quite common in the local area.  The method of training used for the most part are two person drills which simulate common physical attacks and dealing with them using various forms of defensive techniques . Solo forms of these defensive techniques are also taught to help remember and train the body to react when needed . This way a person can practice when a partner isn't available .  A safety first ,safety last mentality is enforced . 
  Our study comes through Patrick Mccarthy’s school Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo Jutstu . If you've studied martial arts you have probably heard of Patrick Mccarthy known for his translation of the “Bubishi” as well as numerous other publications . If not ,looking up his body of work will help explain and give a  better understanding of what we are practising . I encourage you to google “ what is Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo Jutsu “  I will let you know it is a lengthy article .
  There are a huge amount of fighting arts out there . A little research will help you determine what suits you best . If competition  style fighting is what you like find a school that does that . There are also different “specialties “, ground fighting like jujutsu or wrestling ,“stand up “ sport karate ,Muay Tai , boxing or combinations of both . Our goal to help maintain a physically healthy lifestyle through training self preservation and the body of work that surrounds that ,not to become “warriors”. It will amaze people how “martial arts “training will help a person deal with life .
   I have been practising karate for the past 32 years  and still remember how overwhelming it was in the beginning . That is certainly considered when teaching students and no one is pressured to attempt anything till they feel confident they can . While promotion through a kyu (belt) system  is in place it isn't the ultimate goal . I am often asked about the length of time to reach a black belt . If that is a goal it will depend  on the level of committed training . There are  many opportunities outside this “dojo” to learn  . There are monthly classes in Mississauga or Oshawa and an annual 4 day get together with Patrick McCarthy and some of his top north American instructors to help students move through and understand the curriculm .