About Us

Having worked with clay for more that twenty five years, Jan's porcelain, stoneware, and earthenware works can be found at the residence of the Governor General of Canada, have been presented to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of England, and are included in the collections of the Bronfmans, Reichmans and jazz musician Dr. Oscar Peterson.

Each piece and all processes are done entirely by hand and entirely by Jan Phelan, from the original design, through to the last luster firing. Each piece is carefully drawn onto and cut into with a small blade while the clay is still soft. Stains, oxides, glazes and lusters are applied in layers and fired many times to achieve depth and a rich, vibrant variation of colour. Each piece has 22K gold painted and permanently fired onto it.

The magic, music and beauty of nature is her inspiration.

Education: Aside from art being an ongoing education in itself, Jan continually takes and teaches courses in art. Her primary artistic eduation was at Ontario College of Art, 1966 - 1970, and the Banff School of Fine Arts.


-Prime minister of England, Margaret Thatcher is presented a large vase by Ontario's Premier, David Peterson. March, 1988

-Commissioned by the Governor General of Canada to create twenty one place settings to be used at Rideau Hall, Ottawa. 1988

-Chinese Minister of Foreign Economic Relations is presented a large bowl by Minister James Keleher

-Barbare McDougal is presented a vase from the Progressive Conservative Party 1987

-Blue Mountain Foundation for the Arts 1987, First Place Popular Award, Second Place Best in Show.

-Ontario Craft Council, Best Ceramics in show and Award of Merit, Central Region 1983.

-Ontario Potters Association, Purchase Award, 1982

-Ontario Craft Council Award of Merit 1981

-John Mather Prize, Central Region, 1978

-Ontario Craft Council Award of Merit 1978