About Us

The Huronia Foundation for the Arts (HFA) is a membership organization formed to promote and support the arts in the Huronia region, founded by those who love the arts, for those who love the arts. It does not work without YOU. We need artists and those who appreciate the arts. Together, we make the arts alive in Huronia.

By making our artists and culture strong, we engage our community and create a better place for all to live. We do this through our programs:

  • Promoting our arts and artists through brochures, our websites, shows and events
  • Partnering with artists in the marketing and promotion of their arts and services in the local community and abroad
  • Raising funds through memberships, donations and various fund-raising projects to assist artists and arts groups with education and skills development
  • Creating a cultural community that all residents of Huronia and district can participate in and enjoy

The Huronia Foundation for the Arts is privileged to serve its members by publishing a regular newsletter, a calendar of events database, a database of Who's Who in Huronia Arts (featuring all arts activities and regular artists' events), an annual Celebration of the Arts, workshops and seminars, as well as sponsoring and promoting budding artists, art organizations and arts initiatives.

The Foundation's members take great pride in giving you their best - a dazzling array of festivals, theatre, improv, stand-up comedy, poetry and musical virtuosity in every genre imaginable. Art tours, summer and fall, feature captivating artists and studios from around the region.

And all this in nature's paradise. You owe it to yourself - come experience Huronia!

Take that next step... Get involved in the arts in Huronia as a participant, as a student, as a supporter. Contact us for more information or visit www.huroniaarts.ca.

The Huronia Foundation for the Arts is supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation is an agency of the Government of Ontario.