Huronia Auto Glass in Midland
On March 29 at 12:19 PM
Huronia Auto Glass in Midland has all the high quality products you're looking for like Fuel Off-Road.
Fuel Off-road manufactures the most advanced off-road wheels and tires, offering the latest in design and engineering innovations on the market. From stock to lifted, dually to trophy truck, Fuel-Off road offers the most complete line of wheels on the off-road market today.

Call us today at (705) 526-7631 or visit our website to view all our available products and services!
OR Come on in, we're located at 821 Vinden Street in Midland to check out all our available stock!

Huronia Auto Glass in Midland
On March 19 at 11:00 AM
Got a new truck and want to make it "your own"?
Huronia Auto Glass in Tiny can help!
We have a wide variety of truck accessories to help make your ride reflect exactly who you are. From tinting, visors, steel bumpers and bull bars we've got it all!

Call us today at (705) 526-7631 or visit our website to view all out available products and services!

Huronia Auto Glass in Midland
On March 17 at 9:00 AM
Top o' the mornin'!

From our hearts here at Huronia Auto Glass in Tiny to yours.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Huronia Auto Glass in Midland
On March 11 at 9:00 AM
The second Sunday in March is when Daylight Saving Time begins in most areas, so in 2021 we'll “spring forward" one hour, on Sunday, March 14, 2021, at 2 a.m.

Be sure to set your clocks ahead one hour before bed on Saturday night!

Huronia Auto Glass in Midland
On March 08 at 10:00 PM
Huronia Auto Glass in Tinyhas a long list of high quality suppliers available for you.

Ranging from DB Drive to Wings West, we've got them all! Visit us today at 821 Vinden Street in Midland and trust our professionals to get you the job you want done the right way with the best suited supplier.

Call us today at 705-526-7631 or visit our website at to see all our suppliers!

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