Herbalife Nutrition / Wellness Coach - Jamie and Dee Dalzell
4 years ago
Thank you Jamie for the ongoing support and advise! Love the shakes, and such a great alternative for busy life on the go!
4 years ago
James and Deanna are FABULOUS LIFE COACHS with Herbalife products. Health and wellness is their game and they live the life. Raising a family and keeping healthy is not always an easy thing to do but they seem to have it all set up perfectly. They can guide you in your health challenges with weight gain or loss and nutritional boosters. Online workout classes during the pandemic are great and they sponsor some fun Challenges to help you in your journey. Check them out!!
4 years ago
Hearing Jamie's story and feeling his enthusiasm for health and wellness is incredibly inspiring! He is encouraging, supportive and dedicated to help you reach your goals!