Help Pest Control - Midland in Victoria Harbour
On August 26 at 3:23 PM
Spiders are the original web developers and HELP Pest Control is the original Spiderman!Give us a call for all your environmentally friendly pest control needs at 888-568-4693.

Help Pest Control - Midland in Victoria Harbour
On August 23 at 9:55 AM
This guy has been working hard all summer! Let's take a minute to appreciate Ivan, our main man in the Midland area.Ivan has been with our team for 4 years now and loves working outdoors. If you happen to see Ivan out and about, be sure to give him a wave or a thumbs up to let him know what a great job he is doing.

Help Pest Control - Midland in Victoria Harbour
On August 22 at 10:51 AM
Back to school is prime time for the spread of bed bugs!As college students move into dorms or apartments, keep in mind that even the cleanest spaces can still be infested.If your kids are still in elementary or high school, be aware that bed bugs can hitch a ride home on clothes, electronics, books, and backpacks.

Help Pest Control - Midland in Victoria Harbour
On August 12 at 3:24 PM
While termites, carpenter ants and wood-boring beetles can all cause damage to wooden structures, termites are the only one of these pests who actually consume the wood they destroy.If you're having issues with any of these pests, don't hesitate to call HELP Pest Control at 888-568-4693.

Help Pest Control - Midland in Victoria Harbour
On August 07 at 4:19 PM
Do pests have your customers rushing for the exits? Then it's time to call in HELP Pest Control! Our trained technicians will help you get your business back on track with quick, effective and environmentally friendly pest control solutions. Don't lose any more business! Call 888-568-4693 today.

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