Guaranteed Services Waste & Recycling Removal in Barrie
On December 22 at 6:45 PM
The best Christmas gifts you buy come from Local businesses, because you keep more of your money in your own community. And that means you're giving twice!

We at, Guaranteed Services Waste and Recycling Removal in Barrie want to THANK YOU all for Shopping Local!

Guaranteed Services Waste & Recycling Removal in Barrie
On December 16 at 2:19 PM
Garbage bin rentals are available in many different sizes, from a smaller 10 cubic yard size up to large 40 cubic yard ones.

If you are concerned about having one on the property for too long, you can arrange for same-day service where they drop off and pick up the bin on the same day. "Garbage Bin Rentals are Handy for Preparing for an Estate Sale".

Phone: (705) 623-3208

Guaranteed Services Waste & Recycling Removal in Barrie
On December 12 at 8:27 PM
Whether you are a company that replaces roofs regularly or a homeowner looking to handle this grueling project on your own, you are both going to face the same dilemma – proper removal of the old roofing materials.

The ideal way to handle this is with our "Roofing Disposal Services."

Contact Guaranteed Services Waste & Recycling Removal in Barrie today at (705) 623-3208 for more information.

Visit us online at

Guaranteed Services Waste & Recycling Removal in Barrie
On December 06 at 3:31 PM
Are you looking to clean up your basement or get rid of some of the clutter in your home or garage?
Here at Guaranteed Services Waste & Recycling Removal in Barrie, we are proud to provide a wide range of home cleanup services, including basement and clutter clean up services.

Call us to get started at (705) 623-3208

Visit or Inquire online at

Guaranteed Services Waste & Recycling Removal in Barrie
On December 01 at 2:34 PM
There's something super special about December.
– Charmaine J. Forde

Stay warm and Shop Local!

From your friends at, Guaranteed Services Waste and Recycling Removal in Barrie.

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