About Us

Fresh Air Gadgets offers Eco-friendly wholesale, retail and fundraising products. 

Plastics are everywhere on earth, including the deepest part of the ocean to the highest mountain tops.

We know the world is in an environmental crisis; we can all do our part. 15 billion plastic bags are used a year in Canada. The average life of a plastic bag is approximately 12 mins. Millions of straws a DAY are used in Canada.  

Purchase reusable produce bags to go along with your reusable shopping bag. Beeswax wraps replace plastic wrap, and these beeswax wraps last for years. Plastics last for hundreds of years and longer. Say no to straws in restaurants, use paper, or stainless straws at home.  These actions are easy for each and every one of us to do. 

Don't say one person can't make a difference, Terry Fox would tell you differently.  As a community, we can create change. Be part of that change!