Our Registered Independent Dental Hygienist, Tamara Zwicker, offers many services including, Complete oral health assessment and health history, this includes blood pressure screening, assessment of your periodontal (gum tissue) condition and oral cancer exam and screening! We can do it all at Dentures by Denturists. www.DenturesByDenturists.ca/
Now that we're in the Christmas spirit here at Dentures by Denturists, we'd love for you to come on by for a visit and purchase some of your favourite denture cleaner! Our Novadent Christmas sale is back!!! For the month of December you can purchase Novadent for a special price of $10 per box! Novadent is a great product to use to clean and soak your dentures. Stop in today, sale ends December 21st, 2018 at noon! www.DenturesByDenturists.ca/
Now that we're in the Christmas spirit here at Dentures by Denturists, we'd love for you to come on by for a visit and purchase some of your favourite denture cleaner! Our Novadent Christmas sale is back!!! For the month of December you can purchase Novadent for a special price of $10 per box! Novadent is a great product to use to clean and soak your dentures. Stop in today, sale ends December 21st, 2018 at noon! www.DenturesByDenturists.ca/
Not sure if Dentures by Denturists is the place for you? Why not come over to our website to learn more about what we do, and take a look at some of our wonderful customer testimonials. www.denturesbydenturists.ca/about-us/testimonials
Not sure if Dentures by Denturists is the place for you? Why not come over to our website to learn more about what we do, and take a look at some of our wonderful customer testimonials. www.denturesbydenturists.ca/about-us/testimonials