

New Growth

The application of colour or lightener to the new growth of hair. The New Growth touch-up is necessary in covering grey or in maintaining all over color. Maintenance upkeep for this service is usually needed every 4 to 6 weeks. 

Express re-touch

If you just can't make it until 4 weeks and need it done every 2 weeks.  This colour application will be placed around your hair line and where you part your hair to help you get by a little longer.   

Colour Service

Express retouch $25.00

Re-growth re-touch $45.00 


Color Balancing -

The application of colour or lightener to the new growth, mid-growth and ends of hair. All hair from new growth through ends is covered with colour. Colour Balance is needed when the overall colour has lost its tone and has faded more than one level. Colour tends to fade due to sun exposure, swimming or the use of harsh shampoos


Colour Balancing

Short $50.00

Medium $60.00

Long $70.00

Extra Long $90.00 


Dayden Salon


172 William St. Victoria Harbour 


Date Added 2011-09-22
Product Id 10027752