About Us
Known as artists who specialize in Georgian Bay, Killarney, and the North Channel.
Since we do our best work collaboratively, we thought that the term CLAUSTRO (which is simply an anagram containing the letters in our names CAROL and STU) would be à propos and a sexy moniker (and yes, he did propose and yes, she did say yes). So for all who’ve asked, now ya’ know! A bit strange? Perhaps. But hey, you gotta’ admit – it’s better than ORCA LUST!
And so CLAUSTRO was born to simply represent the collaboration and love shared by: sculptor and artist ; husband and wife; Stuart Leggett and Carol Currie.
Our artistic collaborations generally start out as a sketch taken from some inspirationally breathtaking and generally backbreaking backcountry yomp. We have travelled internationally and found artistic inspiration far and abroad, but honestly we’re really quite partial to our home waters of Georgian Bay.
Back in our Midland Ontario studios, Stuart spends weeks and weeks developing each exceptionally technical stress relieved solid wood panel onto which he sculpts a bas-relief interpretation of his experience. Carol then spends many more weeks conjoining her experience to the sculpture through a medium which can best be described as contemporary realist painting.
The result is truly more than the sum of the parts and is quite simply breathtaking! It is these collaborations which we have coined as “Sculpted Paintings” – a tactile living painting that invites an interactive and intimate experience with the observer.