Centum Financial Service LP | King Mortgages in Midland
On January 15 at 1:25 PM
A power of sale is when a lender forces the sale of a property from a home owner for defaulting on their mortgage agreement. Looking for a team to help you understand the process of Power Of Sales? You have come to the right team. Contact Centum King Mortgages at 705-528-0404 today to help make sense of a power of sale process.

Centum Financial Service LP | King Mortgages in Midland
On January 07 at 10:55 AM
Finding a great mortgage can be stressful and time-consuming, at CENTUM King Mortgages in Midland, finding the right mortgage for you is our business. We know which lenders have the best rates and we negotiate with multiple lenders at one time. Trust the professionals at Centum King Mortgages Inc and leave all the paperwork up to us. To learn more contact us at 705-528-0404!

Centum Financial Service LP | King Mortgages in Midland
On December 25 at 10:06 AM
Have a very Merry Christmas from the team at Centum King Mortgages inc!

Centum Financial Service LP | King Mortgages in Midland
On December 20 at 10:06 AM
All about getting a Home Equity Line of Credit. Centum King Mortgages is here to help you along the way. http://midlandmortgageteam.com/Blog

Centum Financial Service LP | King Mortgages in Midland
On December 12 at 10:05 AM
House hunting this winter? Trust the professionals at Centum King Mortgages inc to find the best mortgage for you. The stats are going up, using brokers works!

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