About Us

Bryant Groundwater Consulting proudly serves Simcoe County and surrounding areas with reliable, professional groundwater investigations, advice and documentation.

Our dedicated and direct personalized service is backed by over 40 years of geoscience experience accumulated as an independent consultant (15 years) and with private sector companies, environmental consulting firms, a regional municipality and the Ministry of the Environment.

Give us a call at 705-549-1781 today to learn more about our services!!!!

At Bryant Groundwater Consulting We:

  • Facilitate and renew Permits To Take Water (PTTWs) for takings greater than 50,000 L/day. 
  • Perform hydrogeological investigations for land development and severance applications.
  • Monitor and assess groundwater quality and groundwater levels.
  • Investigate soil and groundwater contamination issues.
  • Conduct environmental site assessments (ESAs) for commercial and industrial sites and multi-unit residential properties to support mortgage renewals and real estate transactions.